Looking for a handle bar for a little Husky 36 too.:biggrin:
I got a husky 41 Rob, anything on it any good to you?
Looking for a handle bar for a little Husky 36 too.:biggrin:
JJ, Palmetto State Armory has pretty good deals if you part with one of those big saws.
I've got something that resembles an 064/066/660 complete starter cover. I haven't tried to figure out what saw it will fit.
Don't know what it will match, but here's the part numbers:
Starter cover 1122 084 1060
Plastic dust guard: 1122 084 7800
Plastic recoil drum: 1122 195 0400
Stihl Elastostart handle
The outside isn't too great, but rope, starter handle, spring, drum, sprawls (sp), dust cover are in good condition.
Hi Guys...Merry Christmas!!
I'm swapping out a Flat Back for an HL on a Mac S-250 and I need the carb flange adapter used with the HL. Anybody know where I can get one?
I got a husky 41 Rob, anything on it any good to you?
That's a 660 starter, not really compatible with the 064. I might have the 064 starter or at least the starter cover for Randy.
It's for Steven (Scooterbum), JJ......Everyone's building an 064 right now.:biggrin:
Hey Zach- I'll check that out. I'm looking for a basic platform which I'll build into a HBAR shooter later on.
I might start doing the local competition circuit here.
JJ......Everyone's building an 064 right now.:biggrin:
That's a 660 starter, not really compatible with the 064. I might have the 064 starter or at least the starter cover for Randy.
JJ let me know when you have a good idea of what you want, I may be able to save you a couple of bucks.![]()
Are you sure it is for a 660 not an 064? On my 064 all the parts have part #'s that start with 1122.
The entire model family 064/066/MS-650/MS-660 uses the 1122 designation. Within that designation there's a lot of variance
between the 064/early metal flywheel 066, mid-range metal flywheel 066, early poly-flywheel 066, and MS-650/660. There's
a lot of parts in the 1122 group which are not easily interchanged.
You can bolt that 660 starter up to an 064, but the pawls will only barely catch the 064 flywheel and it will slip a lot. I've already
witnessed people trying to do it.
learn something new everyday
JJlol, Tell your wife that just for her, I have an 090 with a new short block and a ported 395XPW. But don't tell her it's ported in the beginning...
You are tempting me very much. This Bushmaster is a XM15-Es2 20" HBAR 1-9 twist. About all you would need todo is the trigger. I will play with it more over the weekend. The yet might be sooner then later if the wife has her way.Hey Zach- I'll check that out. I'm looking for a basic platform which I'll build into a HBAR shooter later on.
I might start doing the local competition circuit here.
I am in need of an oil pump and and booth bar plates for a Stihl 028. I have parts and cash. Thanks Tom
Seems to me like it goes in cycles sometimes. One months its all 046/460's, or 038's, or 044's, or 066's.
Right now it seems like 064 full tilt boogy! Im very happy to be part of it!