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I've got saws to sell or trade.

266XP X 2 .... Both are in good running condition.

Husky 61 300th Anniversary Edition with a 268XP Timberwolf ported top end and carb on it. Some of you guys remember Brian's work......top notch.

I also have a 046 Stihl that was just completely disassembled and thoroughly cleaned. It was reassembled with a good used piston, new rings and seals.

PM me for details.....
I've got an 044 here up for trade for a 5612, 365/372xt, or 394/5. It's a 10mm saw that was ported by mastermind.




PM Cent
Automated "spambot" program. Creates a profile here (always with a name/number combination like Sue123), harvests bits of old posts in threads, then reposts those bits with some links, tabs, or images added on. Usually does 8-12 posts or so in the same threads..............night after night. Just report the post as spam and a mid will delete it. NEVER click any of the links, tabs, or image boxes in the posts. Please don't quote the posts either, as your quote will remain after the offending posts and profile are gone...

No, the spam post has been removed now. Eccentric explains what a spammer is in the quote above.
Ed got his computer right next to the turlet. How convienent is that??:)
WTB MS 025 / 250 cylinder

I'm looking for a good MS 025 / 250 cylinder or cylinder and piston would be better.
Let me know what you have and how much you what for your parts shipped to southern WI. 53508.

Thanks Ron
I need a Stihl 020av Super Piston and/or Cylinder (40mm) for my current project saw.

Also need the parts below which can be from a regular 020av or the super 020av.
Air Filter
Muffler and Muffler Gasket
Choke lever
Sprocket 3/8 Picco

I want trade here before going to the bay. Got some parts to trade with and I will trade some $ for parts.


I got the P/C and muffler now - thanks Scott

I'm still in need of theAir Filter
Choke lever
Sprocket 3/8 Picco

Got stuff to trade and $ with PayPal