Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Mine wasn't bad. I don't use decomps regularly though...yet. I have been told my next noise maker will be decomp only! Very excited about that and maybe a little scared. The neighbors should be more scared though.:D


Mine don't have decomp

Wished it did

I don't use it on the other saws
Well if the 350 isn't going to get it .... the ported 372 will laugh at it!

That 1911 wielding chimp cut on that one for me and it is always a fun one.

So I plead ignorance...but the 346 is mag cased and not clamshell? I've never studied it much!

Well if the 350 isn't going to get it .... the ported 372 will laugh at it!

That 1911 wielding chimp cut on that one for me and it is always a fun one.

So I plead ignorance...but the 346 is mag cased and not clamshell? I've never studied it much!


Yep , but the 350 isn't really a clam shell either. A 346 top end can be put right on it !

The 353 is a mag case to.
Well if the 350 isn't going to get it .... the ported 372 will laugh at it!

That 1911 wielding chimp cut on that one for me and it is always a fun one.

So I plead ignorance...but the 346 is mag cased and not clamshell? I've never studied it much!


The 346 is the pro grade

The 353 is pro grade but classified as homeowner with a 350 top end

The 350 is the homeowner version
I've gotten a lot of compliments on my 268 & 372 that I did the grinding on

The 372 is by far my favorite but the 346 may take its place
So I go to the ford dealer and pay em 5 bucks to hook up his fancy machine to tell me my keypad code. Tech walks in with a five digit number on the card and hands it to me saying "this is what the computer gave us", I say thanks and turn to walk away, as im walking out he says "by the way, that number doesn't work" ......what?: