Decided it was time to take down this tree at our cabin in the woods. We'd had a tire swing in it for years and it's health has been dropping off every year. Typical beech as it lost it's top and has center rot. Dad had cleaned up the latest limb fall and decided it was time to take the whole thing down.

That's a 660 with a 3ft bar for scale. Tree is 62" average. Around here Beech grow about 1 ft in diameter in 75 years so this one is over 400 years old.

Did a fairly deep notch and fears were confirmed. hollow and doady. The weight is going the right way but with these, you have to watch quick snaps as there is no holding wood.

I watched till I started to see it move and notice the splits in the trunk starting. possible barber chair situation so very cautious here.

Call me a wimp but I'll err on the side of life! LOL. Decided to wedge it over as I could get even push, hopefully avoiding the trunk split.

Went over slow and steady and just let a pillar of dirt in the middle. trunk broke out when it landed. You can see now how bad it was.

Didn't take but a couple hrs to work up but not much quality wood here. It'll burn though once dried out so not all is lost.

Time to get the splitter out now.

Drove this limb in the ground and ground was smeary enough that Dad's 4wd would pull it out, even with a log lift. That's a 3/8" chain so it does have some size to it.