Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Have been called many things, but fence-sitter aint one. A while back I asked the panel if I should leave the router marks in that table I am doing. IIRC only Neil responded so his vote saved the table from me having to re-sand it. :)
20191227_110903.jpg I got 4 bucket loads from those trees. Stumped them to so I had more room to get the tractor back in there.
In between scrounges at the moment..........other than fun is a good way to describe the situation.. :nofunny:

And on top of that the weather for the weekend appears to be rather wet. Should give me plenty of time to cruise the CL, and slow troll the county roads looking for my next big score.
Got my puppy from a rescue place. The lady that was watching him until adoption had me swing by for his final shots tonight. I get there and her front yard has logs everywhere. We get all done and she asks..... “do I know anyone with a chainsaw” Ummmm. I’m gonna be busy tomorrow
Too soft to play in the mud today so spent an afternoon smoothing cedar. Big pile sure looked small when I was done. Likely end up using (selling) it for shelving. Barn door at work for a house we built. That's $1500 sitting there raw, needs to be distressed, then stained, driven 300 kms and then installed. Couple of mantles waiting to be put into a house. I keep telling myself that I should be milling this stuff. Lots of hemlock that I could cut down also. Maybe next year?


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Got my puppy from a rescue place. The lady that was watching him until adoption had me swing by for his final shots tonight. I get there and her front yard has logs everywhere. We get all done and she asks..... “do I know anyone with a chainsaw” Ummmm. I’m gonna be busy tomorrow

So you're saying I need to get a dog???

On my way to her house I text my pal about two blow downs on his land. He says as long as I’m done by noon. His GF will be over with her parents and doesn’t want the sound of the saw. Then I get to her place and my eyes pop outta my head. I had to text him back that I’ll get to his place Sunday. If it wasn’t such short notice I’d try and get Uncle Mike there to help me. My brother in-law (usually partner in firewood) is laid up right now. Freaking blood clot his his lung! Poor guy is only 42 and a tough guy and this took the wind out his sailC2158D50-DCFE-4694-84BB-92A14E580B78.jpeg
Uncle Mike, he loves that saw! It’s light years ahead of that 041 he has. Ohh where’d he get from too?? My beloved Uncle corrupted my firewood partner and made him a Stihl head!!!

We’re gonna need you for the project at his house. We got a few sticky ones to drop....

I dunno what his timeline of recovery is, so I might just put them all on the ground this winter while the sap is low and let him nibble all spring
Got the go ahead from one of my seasonal neighbors to cut whatever downed wood is on his land. He also said take whatever you need from the pile by his garage to get through the winter. I may do that as we are taking a bunch of trees down for him next summer to replenish his supplies.
Any coin collectors in our group? A car came in on trade with a coin collection the customer left in the trunk. Going through them all..... this is getting a bit fun for my daughter . I gave the collection to my daughter a year ago and she and finally going through them all. So far we found three of these in the pile 5243DD2B-5ECD-474E-8F6B-049D4FB6E874.png24EEF424-7B18-46F6-AD31-A5DD989635C8.png31CF1610-339D-46FE-9642-FDEEA7B413DF.jpegF292C6C4-33FC-4703-B2F1-C05300C0D984.jpeg
Dunno what to do Steve. She says wait until she gets older to sell. But I’m wondering what would do better. Sell and invest or see if the coins go up in value. Maybe a safe CD at like CRAP percent. Man if only I knew a guy......

Hey Uncle Mike, it honestly looks like most the coins are only worth something due to there weight in silver, do you think it’s better to hang onto them or liquidate and go to market?
Also, let me get Kent outta the hospital and see what he’s thinking, but frozen ground works for me at his place otherwise it gets a little swampy
Coins are cool to hang on to but outside of a select few probably won’t appreciate much if at all.

I was given a few coins in my youth that I later sold when I needed $ as a young adult. I received less from a reputable dealer than my aunt had paid. And gold/silver prices had skyrocketed when I sold.

My advise would be to find a reputable dealer who will take the time to appraise then make the call from there. Be careful who you choose though.
View attachment 782942 Made a little progress at the elephant today. When I got there.View attachment 782943 When I left. Pictures from the same spot.View attachment 782944 Anyone have thoughts on these 3 small hickories? Take them now or see if they come around next spring? Pretty beat up and I cut the tops off so they would stand back up from being pinned by the oak.
Missed this yesterday James. A little under the weather. I see you have them cut already. Once the tops are broke out they usually don't come back.
Hmm, not sure why the 71 com has any value. Being that old many would have been taken out of use and reminted into a new coin so it's rarer, but I'd suspect there are still many of them around. Occasionally you get a mistake and a small number get into circulation, there are some 20 pence coins that have no date on them, these are worth a few pounds but still not loads. Normally a coin still in use like that 2 pence is not super valuable.