ArboristSite Member
Went to service the saw and the filter has leaked again. Round peg into an oval hole never works and over time the filter stops sealing around the intake tube. The more revs = more suction on the filter which pulls it off the intake tube = more dirt bypass

The design is really poor. You can see the dirt bypassing near the flat part of the tube(for the carb impulse). Dirt can be seen on the clean side of the top cover as well

So this is my fix.
The intake tube OD in the air box is 26mm. Got a bit of pvc tube close enough and a socket that had an OD of 26mm. Heated up the pvc with a butane torch and used the socket as a mandrel and stretch to size. Allow to cool on the socket but keep moving on the socket to keep uniform sizing. I sprayed a little silicon in the socket to help removal.
Placed on intake and mark angle of filter. Start cut on pvc above intake tube. I just used the bench grinder to shape. Deburr. Refit and re check. Find a fairly long split pin. I chose a 3.2mm x 40mm stainless pin. Make sure pvc is pressing filter down firmly but not crushing it (There are several plastic locating tubs underneath filter). I happened to have a 3.3mm drill and drilled a hole through. I located the hole touching the filter so the pin would also help hold it down. insert pin on the short side. This prevents the pin being able to fall out and enter the engine. Using a pin this way, makes it a quick change.
Green pen shows contact area with pvc. A seal is created between pvc and intake tube and filter. Also draws the air away from the leak prone area of the intake tube.

The only concern I have is that the pin may wear it’s way through the plastic.

Forgot to take a pic but just need to adjust the front of the mod to give clearance for the sealing lip on the top cover. I heated mine up a bit and made the front of the mod more vertical.

The design is really poor. You can see the dirt bypassing near the flat part of the tube(for the carb impulse). Dirt can be seen on the clean side of the top cover as well

So this is my fix.
The intake tube OD in the air box is 26mm. Got a bit of pvc tube close enough and a socket that had an OD of 26mm. Heated up the pvc with a butane torch and used the socket as a mandrel and stretch to size. Allow to cool on the socket but keep moving on the socket to keep uniform sizing. I sprayed a little silicon in the socket to help removal.
Placed on intake and mark angle of filter. Start cut on pvc above intake tube. I just used the bench grinder to shape. Deburr. Refit and re check. Find a fairly long split pin. I chose a 3.2mm x 40mm stainless pin. Make sure pvc is pressing filter down firmly but not crushing it (There are several plastic locating tubs underneath filter). I happened to have a 3.3mm drill and drilled a hole through. I located the hole touching the filter so the pin would also help hold it down. insert pin on the short side. This prevents the pin being able to fall out and enter the engine. Using a pin this way, makes it a quick change.
Green pen shows contact area with pvc. A seal is created between pvc and intake tube and filter. Also draws the air away from the leak prone area of the intake tube.

The only concern I have is that the pin may wear it’s way through the plastic.

Forgot to take a pic but just need to adjust the front of the mod to give clearance for the sealing lip on the top cover. I heated mine up a bit and made the front of the mod more vertical.