Fake Chainsaw Reviews

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Dec 23, 2017
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Just for fun I'll read reviews on line to see what's being said about saws. So Home Deepho has the Echo cs490.
First Review some guy Scott gives it 5 stars.
Here's the deal. He MUST NOT have even seen the cs490 BECAUSE ( read it for yourself) he said pump the primer bulb and it starts right up.
The cs490 DOES NOT HAVE a primer bulb. Other sites have reviews that repeat other reviewers reviews. It's gotten to where a few honest knowledgeable people are dealing with Fakes. When (and I saw this somewhere) a review tells you a Poulan is a good buy but never mentions an Echo you have a wonder. When I was a Kid Chevrolet owners used to say a Chevy is a poor mans Cadallic. In my opinion Echo is a poor mans Sthil. I own 3 Sthil's and 3 Echo's. The Echo's get used most often. When a cs490 cost 350.00 and a cs590 goes for 399.00 unless someone needs the lighter saw I'd buy the bigger saw for 50 bucks more. I replaced a Sthil 024 with Echo 352 and a Sthil 026 with the Echo490 because I simply wanted to. The Echo's start easier are lighter and run about the same. And frankly I simply wanted the new toys. Here's a comparison. The Sthil 029 ( after some mods) cuts real good BUT weighs almost as much as the cs590. The 029 is 54cc and the Echo 590 is 58.8 (?) or there abouts. However. The modified Sthil 029 with only 4cc more than the cs490 will zoom past it out of the gate. It's a little heavy but I do at times use the Sthil 029. Some guy was watching me buck with it a while back and loved that saw. He almost bought it and I would have let him have it for 300 but he balked. The mods include a rim drive 3/8 system and several bars. People look at a saw and unless they really know saws have no idea. However, for 400 and tax he could but a new cs599. Unless money is tight he may have made a good choice. New bar chain, impulse line, gas line plug carb cleaned, air filter. I can't lower the price. My Grandsons will inherit it.
My little saw is a cs-310 too. I run an 18" bar on it for extra reach, makes my back happy. Never had an issue with it, but when I eventually do, parts are easy to get at reasonable prices, much unlike certain other brands.

I will probably be an Echo guy going forward, as my favorite saw brand recently got the axe.

Reviews for the wrong item are really common online. It can be a confused customer or poor curation of comments.

It can also be something much shittier- sites group items together and share the same comment thread for all of the grouped items. So if they decide all echo chainsaws are more or less the same, all echo chainsaws get the same comment thread. It's a terrible practice, and the second biggest reason why Amazon reviews are so often worthless. (I'd rank the list of their worst problems as purchased reviews (either bribing people or using bots) first, having the same review section for multiple items second).

I can understand sellers not wanting a seperate comment thread for the red widget and the blue widget, but they abuse it and also roll in the gas powered widget with the electric widget if it makes the star average go up for whatever they want to offload.

In Amazon's case, I expect the sellers just do whatever makes their star average higher, and they don't give a damn that a knife and a wrench are not the same thing and that the whole reviews section will be completely useless as a result.

I don't know that home depot suffers from fake reviews the way Amazon does, but they do that stupid multi-item review thread thing too, and it's just as awful on their site.
So what's your guys take on the cs 310 a older guy I know is looking at buying 1. Pros cons? Thanks guys
I have a cs 310 in my shop. I just ran my cs352 today with a Walmart bought Oregon bar and chain Bought the chain 52 drive links 3/8 .050 guage. The cs 310 pleased me UNTIL I got my hands on the cs352.
Bottom line. Don't believe the lie when people say those saws are alike EXCEPT engine size. First the AV on the 352 is much superior. Second the Air Filter on the 352 Is MUCH BETTER. The plastic looks exactly like. You can put a white dress on any woman but THAT doesn't make her a bride. I sold my cs310 for 130 bucks just to get rid of it. The new owner abused it and brought it back. The bar is floppy because the AV is gone bad. Open the top cover on a cs352 and you will see a spring bolted directly to the engine. Open the cover on a cs310 and that spring is missing.
For 50/60 dollars more I'd recommend a cs352. The cs310 has a Muffler Mod and is tuned right. With a sharp chain it cuts good but drinks more fuel and is loud. The stock cs352 is a pleasure to run. I but cheap Walmart bars and chains for it. I put a new 14 inch Oregon chain on yesterday bought for 9 bucks. I bought a new Oregon 18 inch bar N chain for 20/25 bucks on sale. The cs 352 pulls 18, 16, 14 bars easily. I've cut 30 inch pines just to see IF and both saws dropped them. Overall MY guess is the cs 310 is built as a LOW end sale saw. Offer it for 199.99 and mark up the cs532 to 2.59.99. IF Echo dropped that crap 200 buck saw then they would have more trouble selling the DECENT saw for 259.99 which seems to be about what it's selling for most places. I gave this EXACT SAME ADVICE to a friend today. BUT IF, you were spending 259.99 for a 352 it makes MORE SENSE to spend that same money for a cs3510. HOWEVER since I have not tested the cs3510 there's no way I can assure you it's a better saw. The reviews say it is BUT ill not put MY reputation on the line by recommending something I've not personally tested. If Echo was to send me one id give it a go. Like the preacher told the fancy dressed 21 Year old Lady. Ill stick with what I TRUST and LOVE even IF something else might be a bit more exciting. I recommend Echo cs352, 490, cs590, cs620p. When both bars and chains wear out on my cs490 ill change over to a 3/8 chain so I can buy cheaper stuff for cutting stumps and dirty wood. In fact I might just do it now. With a Rim drive you can switch easily. It's like having had two wives. One goes on vacation the x comes and brings cake. No, I told her no. But with chainsaws there is no dishonor in swapping chains. Let us know what you decide. After this chat if you buy a cs310 I'm gonna tell my mother on you. Ha. Ha. No, she dead. Lo siento.
us older guys do just fine with our little 310's! --- easy start, light weight, cuts fast enough for us. The extra weight of the next models up are NOT worth the cost and we dont need 50hp to do casual cutting. --- just my .02!
I'm delighted that some people like the cs310. The cs 352 is about the same weight, starts easy, runs great, cuts great, and until I grabbed the 352 I defended the 310 as a great lil saw.. BUT everything changes with circumstances. My circumstances is I use my saws a lot, I mean a lot for a 75 year old. 3 or 4 times or more a week is a lot to me. I have a Sthil 024. I WAS using that for limbing BUT after I got the 352 I parked that saw. It's heavy compared to the 352 and couldn't out cut the 352. When I go cutting I take three saws. A big saw 60cc a medium 50cc and the 34 cc the cs 352. This WAS going to be the year to STOP cutting firewood sell everything and start remodeling mi house but propane went out of sight after the election or ? what ever it was. When it comes to the cs310, my guess is a 310 is mostly a Homeowners saw. People who cut something once in a while and it's ok. The one in my shop after MM and tuned cuts well. The lady who bought it lets her kid cut brush with it. Evidently he messed up the AV. Probably laying on the saw. Little saws don't like to be rushed. When a saw is cutting across a log I can hold mine with one hand and watch it feed it's self. I don't recommend cutting like that but I've demonstrated it while teaching. Thanks for your input. That's what I like about this sight. All of us have our own opinions but we respect the opinions of others. Blessings.