Mike, if he is going to be milling any 30” logs, definitely get the 36” Granberg. The price difference between the two is negligible, and I doubt that he would notice the difference handling the 36”, over the 30”.
I have use both 36” and 48” Granberg mills, even the 48” isn’t that much more to handle than the 36”
I also have the 24” single end ( power head end) small log mill, but I haven’t used it yet, the 36” and 48” mills have been the best choices, on what I have milled so far. I also have rails and bars for 60” and 72” mills as well, but I haven’t had a need for them yet, but eventually, I want to try building double live edge dining tables, as an income hobby. Unfortunately, right now, I have neither the TIME, nor the work space for that endeavor, but it is something that I look forward to trying
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This was a tree a Friend of my Wife, had taken down,
Mary called my Wife and told her that she had a Spruce about 40’ tall taken down, and asked if we wanted it for firewood. We got there, uhm Mary, that tree was closer to 40” in Diameter, than it was to 40’ Tall

For some reason, this one log just kept whispering to me, “I’m not just Firewood

“. I hadn’t had the mills out in too long, didn’t have anything specific in mind for it, just milled it for the simple enjoyment of milling it
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This was a spur of the moment thing, really too wide to be a bench, and too low to be a table, but it just seemed to fit in this spot in Mary’s yard, and she was really tickled when she saw it
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This monster was in the neighbor’s front yard, across the street, and what prompted me to get the longer bars when I did. He ended up getting an offer on the trunk below the crotch, so I didn’t get to give that beast a try, but he gave me pretty much the rest of the tree, and has given us quite a bit of other wood in the past, and is a Great neighbor, so no big deal, not really sure that I was ready for that yet anyway
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This ISN’T my work, but a table that we had that inspired my interest in CSM
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This is my 3120XP, with my 44” bar mounted, set up in my 48” mill, this kind of shows how you need about 6” more bar, than the listed size of a mill, to maximize the capacity of your mill
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This is my 60” bar mounted on my 3120XP.
The 3120 balances really nicely with my 36” bars mounted, the 44” is a bit nose heavy but not bad, still very manageable, I expected the 60” to be very nose heavy, but I was still Surprised at just how nose heavy it is. I haven’t even tried to mount the 72” bar yet, I can only imagine how nose heavy that behemoth will be
I use Granberg’s EZ Rails for the first, and the rest of the cuts, I get better results and it is a lot easier to start the cuts with the rails supporting the mill and saw
The EZ-Rails support the saw and mill, so once the mill and saw are on the rails, you don’t notice the weight of the saw, and the difference in handling the 36” and 48” mills isn’t very noticeable, which is why I would recommend getting the 36” mill instead of the 30”
My thoughts, your Money

, but you are getting this for a very experienced sawyer, so I can’t imagine that he would have any trouble with the 36” mill, but it would be much more versatile