I just purchased a house in Ironwood Mi the UP, there's a massive tree in the yard that's leaning towards the garage, I was Quoted $3000.00 to remove it but they want to charge me more if I keep the wood to sell or use for my own crafting. This makes me believe it has a lot of value, the to own charges a huge fee for commercial disposal.I'm sure it's some kind of Oak but I don't know what kind? I attached photos of the tree and a leaf from it. It's got it be over 100' tall and has a dangerous leaning i'm worried about, my 2 car garage and Camper are in it's path

can anyone tell me what species it is and if it has any value to sell to someone that would pay me to harvest it? If you're not familiar with Ironwood it's right next to Hurley Wisconsin and about 10 miles from the lake Superior shore. I really hate to pay someone $3k that might make 10 X that reselling it. Any companies I can contact that might buy it? There are also 2 evergreen trees that also need removal because of ones height at least 200' it's roots are growing into my garage floor and holding the door open enough that critters are getting in I just watched a chipmunk running under teg door while it's closed. The other is about 80' tall and right on a corner of my homes foundation .