Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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Sounds like a marketing opportunity… Bring a pile of book-matched, flitch, and quarter sawn, surfaced slabs to the meet up! Maybe a flitch to make a slip matched bed floor? 😉
I'm too far off the main drag to get any drive by business...but we put something together. I do have some slabs to mill...gonna be some tics to flitch but lets do it! BYO sawhorses.

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In NY it’s illegal to relocate wildlife I’m sure people do it though . So anything I catch in a Hav-A-Heart trap if I don’t want it around it gets dispatched.
It seems we are the exceptions… Seems most around here equate live catch traps with relocate whereas I equate them with I cannot shot ‘em where they are.
I put cat food out for my barn cats and the possums and sometimes skunk and raccoons think it for them. Trap is set almost daily. I usually take them about a 1/2 mile away. That one has been here twice. Next time he goes for the 5 mile ride.
Screenshot_20241211_114617_Google.jpgJust sayin...:innocent:
I'm too far off the main drag to get any drive by business...but we put something together. I do have some slabs to mill...gonna be some tics to flitch but lets do it!

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Maybe some NY slabs would fit on the trailer heading to the meet?
Maybe some NY slabs would fit on the trailer heading to the meet?
So ya'll got me thinkin...I've been wanting to get into the local live edge market. If I could get a lot in Winchester with some parking, maybe we could have a legit CSR...Chain Saw Rendezvous.
I am also in the having trouble with mice group, they are getting in somehow at the family camp. I was just down in the states last week to Calais Maine and I visited Tractor Supply for the first time, pretty neat store. We have a similar chain in Canada called Princess Auto. While I was in TS I bought a couple of "repeater" mouse traps. They are supposed to be able to trap and retain multiple mice without needing to be reset. Unable to comment on effectiveness yet, but I'm hoping it will be a good solution until we figure out how they get in since the camp isn't visited very often this time of year to reset the trap line.
Grizz ... if you want to catch woodchucks use fresh sliced cucumbers and change them every two days. If they get older, you will catch the other critters.
It’s my fault for not tripping the trap at dusk and resetting in the morning…. If I do trip and reset I’ll get the occasional squirrel or bird but not the opossum or skunks. No raccoon problems with my vegetable garden but the deer can be a problem… bird netting seems to have stopped the deer from getting at the crops they like. I like critters around but they can be a challenge!
No kidding! I reserve the 3 1/2's for when I expect to be pass shooting geese. Otherwise it's 3" BB or #2.
I kinda like 3 1/2s for effectiveness, high flyers from the kayak, and the visceral recollection, but I heard tell of a fella that shot a gobbler with a super mag from the prone, he got up took a few steps and passed out, woke up took a few more steps and passed out again, checked in later with a broken collar bone. I only shoot rifles from the prone.

Today I had a tree company take down two Ash trees that were in danger of landing on our garage roof. Ours was rotted 20 feet up and too dangerous to climb to drop the top in pieces. The other one in the video was my good neighbors Ash that was also on its way out and leaning our way. I offered to pay to take it down and told him why. He offered to pay for the removal but I refused. I already cleaned up his tree and chipped the branches. The bucked up wood is in my future splitting pile. Then the rains came. Mine will get cut up another day. The first picture was his tree. The last picture is mine
Has anyone ever used Tannerright to check how stable the tree is? I did this past weekend. I taped a 1/2# tanneright to a 12 or 15' sapling pole, taped the pole to the tree so it was touching firmly, then shot it with a .233. (I actually did it twice)
Damn thing blew bark everywhere but it did not shake the tree enough for it to break....then I felt safe enough to cut it down which I did with no issues. The sister tree, which shared the same stump up to about 30" high, had already broke out at about 20' during a heavy rain/wind storm.
Has anyone ever used Tannerright to check how stable the tree is? I did this past weekend. I taped a 1/2# tanneright to a 12 or 15' sapling pole, taped the pole to the tree so it was touching firmly, then shot it with a .233. (I actually did it twice)
.233? Self load? Still prob cheaper at around $1.60 a round vs an Easton arrow, and 5 years of car magazines..


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