050 051 075 076 Info Thread

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Mornin' Rocky,

What kind of paint are you using? It sounds like you're making a beauty.

I here ya, those supports are always beat. There was a 760 on evilbay not long ago. It didn't look bad at all, and it was going real cheap, with 1 day & 11 hrs. left on it. That day, I went to bid on it, and it was gone! Evidently, somebody must have pulled a sneaky, and did a "back-door buy". There were some piles of junk on there for 4 to 6 times what that one was.

Well, hope you have some peace time with your mum Rocky.

Wow it's been a while,.. What's up? Darrel I'm just using a regular rattle can white paint with and superior primer. Have yet to see how it holds up.

I have a coil question. The manual states to set the coil at .5 mm above the flywheel magnets. That converts to .007 thousand's of an inch. What do you guys set them at? Thank you, B

This is an electronic ignition with external trigger,.....


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Welcome back, Rocky. Hope everything went ok for you.

The rattlecan paint is alright for general protection, but it doesn't like getting gas spilled on it.

Not sure on that setting. Seems kinda tight, but I suppose the manual knows. Now that my curiosity is dwelling, I'm gonna have to do some looking. I woulda guessed the ol' "credit card setting", but that would be a good bit more than .007".
How much of a ts760 concrete cutter can I swap into a stihl 051? The concrete saw might be available cheap as a runner and I'd like to use it for ignition and other parts for my 051 if possible.
Wow, whats going on here? Nobody's building?? LOL I just put one 075 together from the cases up. Saw ran great, idled for 5 mins, ran great again, great power, then,... started leaning out and scattering running like crap in the cut. Overheating. I could hear the gas boiling in the carb. All new gaskets, 3 seals, carb rebuild and swapped out with one other, new gas line, impulse line, in tank line. Coil gap set at .08 as per manual, good flocked air filter, 170 lbs compression, perfect piston,.. I just cant think of anything else to check. I'll have to do vac pressure test next. Any ideas? Ive put together many of these saws, never had this issue. Im stumped. On the positive side I picked up an "050" the other day that was siezed,.. for short money. It had a manual oiler,.... yup 075, so much compression you cant pull it over, had some oil in the bore :) Darrel your right the rattle can paint doesnt like gas spilled on it, turns pink. I just met a guy that does powder coating and hes moving to VT. Just my luck. Anyway Raumati Id say if your getting the newer style ts760 with the square gas tank it would be worth it to update your 051. Pointy tank idk, any pics?? B
Yeah, been real slack on this thread Rocky. The site has been working so wonky and there's so much troll activity on the chainsaw section, that I don't come around here much anymore.

I finally got that handle support/shroud piece I've been needing! Found a pretty nice one for a good price. There's at least three more (not counting the new one) on evilbay. They're beat all to heck and priced high. There is a cheap one...one ear that the long bolt goes through is broke plumb off. Lol. The only bodypart that I need now, is the muffler guard.

That will make the saw mostly complete as a 051. Of course, 076 is the goal now. Still got a few pieces (and the manual oiler mod) to go, to make that happen.

I won't be able to get much progress made till Fall. Not much hobby time this time of year.

Having a local powder coater available would surely be a plus. I've given serious thought to getting set up for it myself. Just don't know if I need any more irons in the fire. Sure would be handy though.

Wow, whats going on here? Nobody's building?? LOL I just put one 075 together from the cases up. Saw ran great, idled for 5 mins, ran great again, great power, then,... started leaning out and scattering running like crap in the cut. Overheating. I could hear the gas boiling in the carb. All new gaskets, 3 seals, carb rebuild and swapped out with one other, new gas line, impulse line, in tank line. Coil gap set at .08 as per manual, good flocked air filter, 170 lbs compression, perfect piston,.. I just cant think of anything else to check. I'll have to do vac pressure test next. Any ideas? Ive put together many of these saws, never had this issue. Im stumped. On the positive side I picked up an "050" the other day that was siezed,.. for short money. It had a manual oiler,.... yup 075, so much compression you cant pull it over, had some oil in the bore :) Darrel your right the rattle can paint doesnt like gas spilled on it, turns pink. I just met a guy that does powder coating and hes moving to VT. Just my luck. Anyway Raumati Id say if your getting the newer style ts760 with the square gas tank it would be worth it to update your 051. Pointy tank idk, any pics?? B

The bidding on the ts760 went a bit crazy so I passed on it as I was only looking for a couple of parts for my 051 which doesn't have spark and I wasn't 100% they would fit . The day after the auction finished the same guy listed an 051 with spark and a good cylinder and piston for $100 so I snapped it up instead. Very stoked, I met a guy in the weekend who used to be a mechanic at a Stihl agency and he will buy/swap for parts whats left over. He reckons the 051 was one of the best Stihls ever made and always wanted one of his own.
So I did figure out the problem with the 075. Just bought a roll of new gas line. It appeared to be the right size but it was loose on the impulse fitting after heating up and sucking air. What I thought was gas boiling, was oil on the muffler. I forgot to put the flap on the back of the sprocket cover and the bar oil was getting shot all over the muffler, lol. Used the original Stihl gas and impulse line, tuned it and shes running great. Ill have to get some smaller tygon. Anybody know offhand the correct inside diam? It looks like an 1/8" but I'm sure its metric, I'll dig around. Ive got some very large Oak to buck up and quarter this weekend. My other 075 rips that oak like butter, spaghetti city. So much it jambs up bad in the cover! lol! I should get 5 cord out of it anyway. Ill sell one saw and keep one. Got to get back to the 050's I was building. Got some good bearings and have been told those saws were better built than the 051's if you can handle points and shoe/friction starters, :)
Well I finally got a little time on the 075 project today. I did a inventory using the IPL from Mediacat page by page. I thought I was about 99% on the parts but I have a list of 28 parts to buy.
And of course one of the things I dont have is one of the crankcase bearings, I was sure I had them. I also misplaced the bag with all the chain brake cover parts in it, I looked everywhere, no luck.
And laying everything out I realized I didn't have the AV mounts powdercoated so they look like crap :)







still need to run some things through the ultrasonic and rob a few bits.

I did a quick inventory on the other 075/051 projects so hopefully I will have the right bits to finish them when I get started.

Shouldn't be too long till I get this beast together.
Does anyone know the part number for the coil that doesn't require any trigger or module? I really want to go with that style ignition on all my saws.
Also am I right that the flywheel without the friction cup is for the 076?

All of these pieces were in bags labeled as 075 but I think they are just random bits of junk, anybody recognize any of them?.


square piece is foam and the washer is recessed on the head side

Progress is slow :)
The flywheel on the left is the pawl style, newer, for the square tank. I have one of those coils left. It's a magnetron made in Brasil side exit coil wire. No part #. Looking good Dave! One of those parts is an 090 front handle bottom bracket I think.
I kind of prefere a nice newer coil with an aftermarket external trigger with no rev limiter. They give you a wire nut to clip the wires and attach but I like to soldier the wires together with shrink tubeing.

The 090 is the next ripn runner for you!!
I must have done something wrong - I stopped at Motion Industries the get some Naiche 6204 bearings but when I got home it doesn't fit on my crankshaft.
The shelf on the shaft is the same size as the inner race of the bearing. I stared at the crankshaft under magnification and I don't think there is a busted bearing race still on there but this is baffling.
Dealer has the bearing by the Stihl number at 22+ dollars and the Naiche was like $8.50 the complete number on the invoice is 6204 2NSE9 C3 did I get something other than a standard 6204?
The 6202 fits perfectly on the other side.
I was looking to get the crankcase together tonight :(

Bare crankshaft and dirty thumbnail


Bearing with rubber seals removed butted up against step on crankshaft.

...I don't think there is a busted bearing race still on there....


Looks to me like that's exactly what it is. Heat it up enuff and it should be easy to remove with a bearing separator..., or pop it loose by any number of redneck methods that'll probably be recommended shortly.

Me? I'd heat the piss out of it while gripped in a vise and whack the crank with a deadblow to pop it loose....with a nut partially threaded onto the crank stub, of course.

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