My goonness, I seem to have started an interesting discussion. I'm learning a lot about oils...which is bringing me back to my decision to stick with (saw) name brand oil.

bwalker said:Here is a piston run on MX2T.
And one ran on 927.
I would hate to see what your muffler and pipe looked like. 1000 hours is a huge amount on a trials bike. How long did you own it?
No, I do not. Thats what two cycle oil is designed to do. And for the ump-teenth time what small amount of fuel oil mix that makes it to the combustion chamber in liquid form is quickly evaporated once in the combustion chamber. In effect ALL the oil in the mix has droped out of the fuel by the time its in the chamber son in effect all surfaces of the engine are coated with oil.Would you also agree though that oil laying on the piston and burning is a serious problem
And any other two cycle oil.The oil sepperating is exactly what all the wonder oils are suppose to do and that is their big claims or what their big
Exactly like its suppose to...the problem is that it sticks to the surfaces and burns on those surfaces that are exposed to direct flame
This is not true. ANY oil most drop out of suspension to lubricate. This is fact.Dino oil stays blended in the fuel better and moves with the fuel. Where synthetics and castor leaves a layer of oil behind for lubrication, dino is constantly rotating out with the flow of mix.
Thats also not true.Both actually rotate out but the synthetics and the castors are designed to leave oil for better lubrication.
this sint true either. Synthetic compounds are in blends to REDUCE smoke and deposits. Have you used Husky, Echo or Stihl black bottle oil? All are syn blends. In reality there are very few straight dino oils out there and non that meat Jaso fc and Iso egd specs.Synthetic blends are an attempt to get the best of synthetic low end protection and at the same time minimize fouling in the cylinder. I have not played with many blends yet.
You will have to ask lambert. The other pic I posted was a engine that had enough time on it to wear out a saw.BTW Ben, how many tanks of fuel did you have through that saw you showed us?
So does almost every other two cycle oil. So what?The label also says "prevents ring sticking" so, there you go, case closed.
I thought it was funny, that's what!bwalker said:So does almost every other two cycle oil. So what?
You are attributing the synthetic as the cure all. It's not
This has no basis in fact...The synthetic will help with the smoke but it is the casue of greater deposits on the top of the piston.
John, I never blamed oil. Oh that's right I have never had an engine fail yet to blame the oil on. What I posted about the oil was observations and a lot of research. The funny thing is that most of my research was done because of what Ben had to say on the subjuct about a year and a half ago. The other thing is that just becasue some oil company claims something doesn't make it true. This is why I test and/or observe any of it before I recomend it. Heck if you are going to believe the back of the 927 bottle then you might as well run 100:1 AMS Oil. Remember the bottle labels were not printed by the scientists or the engineers but by the marketeers. No one has to take my word for it, but I will make the bet that there are only a handful in here that have Pulled down more saws than I have, let alone rebuild them.whatsnext said:I just looked at my bottle of 927 and it says that it's a blend of castor and synthetic esters along with some anti rust additives. The label also says "prevents ring sticking" so, there you go, case closed. I like reading these oil war threads more than I like posting in them because I'm convinced that most engine problems are caused by fuel, bad fuel/air ratios or water, not your choice of oil. Of course no one wants to admit that they may not be the best engine tuner but blaming the oil is easy.
Exactly!Sounds like some1 needs to contact an oil manufacturer or something.