Todays haul. Not a major YOU SUCK, but I don't think I did too bad, especially on the 670's.
The Stihl's will all be for sale when I get a chance to check them out better.
I went to check out the Stihl's, thinking I was going to look at a MS440 that didn't run quite right, and a couple older stihl's. Guy had a funny accent... There was no MS440, only a CS440, an 042 and an 041. Far cry from a ms440, but oh well, I got them and the poulan cheap enough.
Got the two Jonsereds and the 394 parts saw for swapping a running husky 55 and a little cash. The running one is basically ready to cut. Definitely gonna build the 394xp.
Was a good drive on my day off from the sugarbush.
An 042.....
Decent looking 041
Jonsered 670 champ, supposedly was starting to be rebuilt (has good compression) missing chainbrake\clutch cover and air filter\cover I know.
Poulan 3000, missing air filter and cover
Echo CS440
028 wood boss, metal tank no brake
Running 670 with nearly new powermatch bar and LGX chain!
AND, a bucket 'O 394xp! Missing carb, intake, and muffler I know. Other than that appears good. piston is a little scuffed from carbon but I think it'll run with it.