I forgot to save pepper seeds from the garden. Can I still get viable seeds from peppers that were left outside and had several freezes on them. What about refrigerated peppers?
we had a swell N Y E dinner last nite. a 'tip over!' as it was over the top! lol.... NY strips/tenders. and some items fresh out of the garden. everyone agreed the limas delish, and the peas n pots peas very sweet. but the star that stole the show was the sugar snaps that i sauteed! the strips n ckn were to die for, but imo... them sugar snaps gave 'em a good run for their $$! strips served on fresh arugula !
More or less what I have planned. One year I used horse poop to side dress my taters. My brother raised show horses and Had tons of manure mixed with chips. He kept it piled untill he had enough to spread on his fields. Anways. I had planted taters and hilled them pretty high. I took the manure and filled the middle of the rows to the top of the hills. I had footbabll size taters, but I also fought a battle with tater bugs. Worse infestation I had ever had. I also had a earthworm/ red wiggler infestation. The worms where actually boreing into the taters. I suspect that heavy layer of manure mixed with the wood chips must of been like a buffet to the worms and the bugs. That fall I tilled everything in and had tons of everything in the next garden.I've used chicken manure and bedding straight from the coop to side dress corn. I hoed furrows about eight inches from the plant row on each side, spread the manure and covered the furrows