Started harvesting the short day onions and summer squash the other day. The big tropical cactus we have in the house started blooming last night, it has 14 blooms on it again. they are 4 or 5 " across.
am feeling powerful
we got 2 yesterday. store bot. zukes and summer. garden fresh too mild, imo. i like store bot better. vine boreres here! have to start early. seed up sets in early Feb, and get in ground. then u can expect a crop. but the lil red dots show up and can't fight them.With me it's squash of any type. Dang beetles get the plants eventually.
i can't get corn on cob to do well. grow zone 9. well. sweet that is. one yr sweet candy pkt had field in it. it did very well! lol. tall as my hse roof! no joke. i just buy it. i have tried... so i tossed in the towel.It's peppers for me. Don't know what it is but it's very difficult to grow peppers here on the new property.
Is anyone else dealing with a lot of predation problems this year? I don't know why this year is so bad, we've never had near this much damage before, but they are going after everything. Loopers are going after the brassicas, rabbits ate my entire crop of carrots when they came up, CPB in the potatoes already, birds have stripped some pepper and tomato plants bare. We've even had coons wandering through the yard, I'm sure it's just a matter of time until they are into something.
Gardening for me has always been a hobby and a bit of stress relief, but this year between the predation problems and the really dry weather, it's been a real struggle.
will grow like weeds here... miss a day of harvest once they start... and look out!!!! i like them under 2".... and fried just fineOkra. Never can get it's a grow over 2 ft tall and only get four or five off each plant and they all get eaten by the bugs.
does well here. have grown before. hot!View attachment 1093172
Red Rocket Cayenne peppers! This is the plant my brother in law gave me. I started four more from seed and only three survived but they were started later and aren’t as big as this plant.
some vegs taste better, imo... but okra fresh picked young n tender hard to beat, imo. like black-eyed peas... not theHad okra here for several years, always topped out at 4 to 5 feet tall but we never cared for it and the people who we gave it to moved away so I quit planting it.
we got 2 yesterday. store bot. zukes and summer. garden fresh too mild, imo. i like store bot better. vine boreres here! have to start early. seed up sets in early Feb, and get in ground. then u can expect a crop. but the lil red dots show up and can't fight them.
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nice! we still are getting some cukes. has been a bumper crop year here for us. not so every year. this year both the cukes and taste never seemed to quit. i have beets to ck on today. may pull them. do the tops as spinich and if got some good enuff ones, plan on picked beets! yumView attachment 1093340View attachment 1093342
Today was a good day! 3 pounds of beats, over half a pound of green beans and some cucumbers!
u r right. i looked for a pix, and it said that and vine borer, too!I'm pretty sure that those are squash bug eggs. A very damaging pest too. Squash vine borer eggs look very similar but are usually found singly, not in masses.
sometimes when up at my ranch, i look out over one of my paddocks... and think of it as a nice, well maintained garden! it is images of yours that comes to mind... thx for the pix!!Photos take today just a few minutes ago.
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sometimes when up at my ranch, i look out over one of my paddocks... and think of it as a nice, well maintained garden! it is images of yours that comes to mind... thx for the pix!!
i don't garden there. but i do keep several compost bins. mite one day. i have a friend that had good results with brussels here in g z 9. nice sized so far. got some of those seeds/pkt. plan to try a late summer start. no doubt will try one or two up at ranch as cooler there in fall months...
young brussels
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DiPel is a good organic bugThanks!
I was just thinking of starting some brussel sprout seedlings. I start collards each spring and they often live up until January or Feb and am hoping to do the same with brussel sprouts, except starting later. In the summer brussel sprouts get buggy around here and the heat is hard on them just at the time that harvest should be beginning. As you probably know store bought brussel sprouts can be highly contaminated with pesticides.