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a friend buckin with a you know what. 84/85.
not a hack Bob, usefull information.
Not to hack this thread but i know a guy looking to sell a Husqvarna 2100CD...Bob
Hmmm I'm surprised the Big stihl's havent hit the list yet 075 088 and 090... Like the 075 not fond of the 088 and never had a 90 in wood.. I wold have to say I like the 125 sounds like the winner so far.
That looks real good. Did you do anything on the inside of that thing? Porting? If not have you done much to the 2101/2100 saws? How do they do with a port job?
We are lining the inside of the fuel tank right now to head off a leak between the fuel and oil. I'm gonna let it sit for a few days then check it again. I think the heat from powder coating messed with the seal....
We will be porting this saw after we get all the bugs worked out. Watch for the thread on it.
Randy there's a manual oiler o-ring leak that can allow the fuel and bar oil to 'co-mingle' on these saws. It was discussed a BUNCH of pages ago....:cool2:
+1 also there is more than 1 o-ring in the manual oilier, I had to replace all of them, I want to say 3 in the body of the oilier and one at the base which is the one that is letting fuel into the oil tank, very common problem replace the o-rings and it will stop leaking.
Well.......these parts are NLA.
Where did you find them?
Well.......these parts are NLA.
Where did you find them?