2101xp/ top all time muscle saws!!!!!!!!!!!

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now i just need a 3120 and 266 of the same era to compete my 70's/80's huskies..
Nikko, that is Jude my little muscle dog. She will anchor down a 300 pound boar like you would not believe! And nothing but a love bug lap dog. Thanks Wade Tanner, and Jack are the tan two. 3/4 yellow BMC. And 1/4 walker. And Jude the brindle staff mix. Joe I agree the bulldogs are bionic and nothing but love bug's. I used to be against pit bull's untill I learned it was my own ignorance, and being judgemental. It's all hype media B.S! I ate alot of crow on that. Good deal Greg good times! I love my 372 as well. I ran the 372-2101-660 a little today. As usual I am the camera man so none of me cutting, which was only quartering a few rounds anyway, and bbqing, some pig sausage beans, and corn. Great day got about two cords split, and hauled, and bunch of brush ready to burn.

I know they can be really nice lap dogs, my uncle had one that was 3/4 pit bull and 1/4 lab, and that one was like that! :cheers:
Been frozen here, bet it as all ice where you are eh Nikko? I would still like to see pics from your neck of the woods sometime.:cheers::cheers:
Good deal Jim, feels like snow coming here to, they said rain but we have to head out early, and sand the roads again. Now they are saying more freezing. Its cold here was 22 this morning, and thanks to some sweet saws I am burning some Eacalyptus in the wood stove.
No weather here in TN. 70% rain today but it was just a constant drizzle. Been a very mild winter. 60 degrees today. Been running the woodstove anyways (just leaving the windows open in the house) cause that's what your supposed to do in the winter. I would like for my kids to see this frozen stuff called snow- but it is rare around here. Usually wet winters with alot of rain. Knoxville is in a bowl surrounded by mountains so nothing ever gets down to us. I loaded 6 ricks of wood on my trailer today to give away to people at my church bc my wife said no more cuttin until some of the wood is gone- so the woods gotta go if I want to run my saws. Its not just the Muscle saw thread that is slow tonight Norm, I think all of AS is kinda dead. Good night to catch up on research though!
Why does the shop manual tell you of two settings for the oiler, but then not tell you how to accomplish switching between them? Someone posted in this thread way back about moving some screws around?

Cali is not oiling. Pump is making bubbles. Line is cracked/blocked or pump is shot. So, even though she's all dressed up and ready to dance...i've only gingerly stuck the bar into wood, not real confident in my manual oiling duties.

Do the pumps go out, are they repairable, is there a test procedure besides slinging oil offa the chain?

I also need the studs that the stock filter attaches to...or a filter to slip onto a 1.75" ish velocity stack.
wade- the pump has two settings like you said. the long screw(blued/tempered) has to be in the front hole for the higher output.
fix that cracked tube.
check the pick-up tubes in the tank.g
make sure the ball check in the top front fitting works too.
below the oil cap are a couple of duckbill valves for the manual pump.


the long screw engages the gear. here over the front/high out put hole


set up for high output. there is only .020" diff. in stroke between high and low. leave it it the front hole.


the tracks on either end of the gear. high on the left/front.
No weather here in TN.
tornado warnings and wind damage in Mom's county, Wilson.

and a work-friendly if you're not in mud-or stuck to the ground. 35 degrees out there just now. 32 at Nashville. at noon.

53 tomorrow--whoohoo! 50's in day and 30's at night is perfect workin' wx for me.
Been reading up On my New (to me ) 2100 lots of good info here guys. and thanks for the manual link. I traded straight for a rebuilt 272 xp. I am very happy to say the least.

Now a question, Has anyone added a decomp to a 2100 that didn't come fromt he factory that way? I haven't had a problem starting it yet but I have had 2 shoulder surgeries. I will likely use the saw for a mill in the future.
No weather here in TN. 70% rain today but it was just a constant drizzle. Been a very mild winter. 60 degrees today. Been running the woodstove anyways (just leaving the windows open in the house) cause that's what your supposed to do in the winter. I would like for my kids to see this frozen stuff called snow- but it is rare around here. Usually wet winters with alot of rain. Knoxville is in a bowl surrounded by mountains so nothing ever gets down to us. I loaded 6 ricks of wood on my trailer today to give away to people at my church bc my wife said no more cuttin until some of the wood is gone- so the woods gotta go if I want to run my saws. Its not just the Muscle saw thread that is slow tonight Norm, I think all of AS is kinda dead. Good night to catch up on research though!
Sweet, but a little life after all! And thats why I love this thread friends only, and everybody is welcome no S### talking, and we band together like brothers. Allyn great info as always!!!! A+ Tried to rep you but that stupid, oh please spread the love. Whatever always do! It should let me decide how to spread what! Randy good to see you my friend! Cant wait till you start playing with that 1100:popcorn:
Ok ill add to this thread...first the old husky 2100 that i had and sold...and then the saw that replaced it,...my modified husky 395xp.View attachment 218189View attachment 218190View attachment 218191View attachment 218192View attachment 218193
Thanks for joining in! The sweetest thing would be having both! But hey the 395 is more than worthy! Gloud 272 great saw, but if you gotta trade, and wisely you did trade up, up as in cubes!! Good job brother nice score, welcome to the clube!