new guy here

Old firewood cutter from Cali central valley...mostly Almond and Walnut starting with a 266xp then 044 and finally the 066. Used to be able to go 6day/week all day long but a few hrs about kills me now
Have been running the same 066mag 'red-eye' since the mid 80s when they first came out. I mainly use a 24" bar with comp chiz and 8t rim for anything under 30" and then switch to either a 32 or 36 and a 7t with skip chain. Past that I have a 404g 42" full skip. The saw has always pulled even the 42 with ease in big pine to big oak and Euch to 6' (as long as I don't go nuts on raker filing). I'm too out of shape to use the 42 much anymore...getting old and soft. The saw came with the dual port muffler and was rated at 7.8hp from the factory. I've since ported/gutted the muffler for a little more power. A newer 066 I also have isn't quite as fast despite swapping to the dual port, modded muffler. I did notice the other day that the carb in it has .062 jet so that might be the problem
I've used an 090 (48" bar) before and it dang-near kilt me...lost feeling in my hands for hrs afterwards

084 was nice once you got it on the log...too darn heavy, though.
056...nice with a 36" bar but again...too heavy
281, 288...didn't really care for them
3120....too heavy
Never used a Sach but hope to one day.
ran my 066 with a buddy's Husky 394 on a 3' Cedar log one time...both with 42" skip but he had 3/8 and I had 404. wasn't much of a contest...smoked him
for an all around saw I have yet to play with anything that beat this Stihl.