346XP Saga NOT OVER, Husvarna says NO NEW SAW FOR YOU!!!!!!!

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I also noticed that from the customer end. Our new (2009) Husqvarna lawn tractor blew a rod on its B&S Vanguard 23 within a few months of ownership (<70 hours). Briggs would only authorize an new top end, even though the full service Husqvarna dealer and I tried to get them to send a new engine. Almost 200 more hours on it since, and no troubles--fingers crossed.

I must say, I really like my 2007 Husqvarna Lawn Tractor. It has the Briggs 23 h.p. motor, and I havent had any problems out of her. She's been a real joy to operate.
Man, this just gets weirder and weirder. ???

Seems like a good dealer could have taken care of this from the start.

But I do remember you going through 2 or 3 dealers...

lesson learned for you, next time call 1 800 4 a stihl, all your problems will be solved!

Well I lack the knowledge to debate Stihl vs. Husvarna, but I have read that Stihls are not as good as dad's Stihl? But if Husqvarna does less than I think they should I will convert.
There Ya Go!

Man, this just gets weirder and weirder. ???

Seems like a good dealer could have taken care of this from the start.

But I do remember you going through 2 or 3 dealers...

I know you have tracked this from the start, so you know what is going on and yes totally weird and yes I went to three dealers and they all stunk. So here I am with a saw that cost a 1/3 of a paycheck and nervous as he** it is just a waste of money. I hope Rick takes care of it, also I was told by Melody that they told Weirton Rental to destroy the saw, yeah right that saw is in their scrap pile and now Rick is going to call them to dig it out to fix it.
I know you have tracked this from the start, so you know what is going on and yes totally weird and yes I went to three dealers and they all stunk. So here I am with a saw that cost a 1/3 of a paycheck and nervous as he** it is just a waste of money. I hope Rick takes care of it, also I was told by Melody that they told Weirton Rental to destroy the saw, yeah right that saw is in their scrap pile and now Rick is going to call them to dig it out to fix it.

Hopefully they did destroy it...But I've seen some of these destroyed saws, they remove the serial # tag and sell the rest for parts.

Hope you come out on top, man!
me too . . .

Hopefully they did destroy it...But I've seen some of these destroyed saws, they remove the serial # tag and sell the rest for parts.

Hope you come out on top, man!

Funny thing is I still like Husqvarna and think I just got a lemon, I fear they will say that the saw is long gone and that I am out of luck, and with the way this story has twisted and turned I am not ruling anything out.

P.S. The Stihl 026 I am borrowing is WAY too heavy for a 5'6" 145 pounder like me.

Stihl 026 is lighter than 346xpne.


Well then , see what three months of not getting firewood does to you, makes ya weak!!!! Now light things seem heavy, is that problem covered under warranty?
Well then , see what three months of not getting firewood does to you, makes ya weak!!!! Now light things seem heavy, is that problem covered under warranty?

I used to think the 026/260 was heavier also. The 346 does feel lighter in the hand, but it's not?
I have (well had?) an XP not the XPne and I'm with you it felt lighter, but I am out of shape.

Look at the second post: http://www.arboristsite.com/chainsaw/1754.htm

That's a very old thread.

NE is new edition, the current 346xp, 11.1 lbs. The OE (old edition) 10.6 lbs. I have one of each.:D

The 026 was replaced with the ms260 which was replaced with the heavier ms261.

Edit to add; The 261 in the second post is a larger Husky. Kind of confusing sometimes.
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That's a very old thread.

NE is new edition, the current 346xp, 11.1 lbs. The OE (old edition) 10.6 lbs. I have one of each.:D

The 026 was replaced with the ms260 which was replaced with the heavier ms261.

Edit to add; The 261 in the second post is a larger Husky. Kind of confusing sometimes.

OK got it, so do I have the NE? I was told that I have an XP because I have a gray gas cap and that green caps were the NE. My saw was bought new last February, so what is it?
OK got it, so do I have the NE? I was told that I have an XP because I have a gray gas cap and that green caps were the NE. My saw was bought new last February, so what is it?

You got a NE. All 346s' after 2007 or so are NEs. The green cap models are E-Techs with cat muff and should be avoided, or replace the muffler.
You got a NE. All 346s' after 2007 or so are NEs. The green cap models are E-Techs with cat muff and should be avoided, or replace the muffler.

Got it and thank you for the information. The thing about the 346XP is that I have yet to find a postabout problems and i have spent many hours lately reading posts trying to figure out if I made a mistake, but I still say NO, I did not make a mistake, I just got a bad saw and now bad service.
Got it and thank you for the information. The thing about the 346XP is that I have yet to find a postabout problems and i have spent many hours lately reading posts trying to figure out if I made a mistake, but I still say NO, I did not make a mistake, I just got a bad saw and now bad service.

Yeah, I've not read or heard about anybody have major probs with a new 346xp. Too bad about the dealers, a good dealer could have sorted it out quick.

If you do get stuck with that saw, I'd be willing to fix it for ya, or possibly buy it, if the price is right.

But you'll likely get a new saw.

Seems like a good dealer could have taken care of this from the start.

But I do remember you going through 2 or 3 dealers...

I too have been following this from the start, and thus far have not read a single post stating what the actual failure was. Very few failures are viable for warranty, but some are valid warranty issues. 99% of all failures are due to the owner/operator and or the screwdriver.

No saying you dont have a valid claim, but if another dealer has touched a saw I will not and refuse to even think about submitting it for warranty consideration, for I don't know what they have done to it so proper failure analysis is out the window.

As you have mentioned you like Husqvarna products, your biggest issue is your relationship with multiple dealers. A good dealer would have inspected the saw, done all the tests required, had a written report and filed the claim with Husqvarna within days of the saw being brought in, or you would have been told to go pound salt as its not warranty and here the 1800 husky # I have my notes on the saw and will be glad to talk with the "tech's at the big orange"

Warranty.............materials and workmanship.................what was your failure again? comp reading? vac and pression at? for how long? overall condition of the saw? air filter? clutch, bar, chain condition? signs of overheating? cyl fin condition? heck the list goes on and on.
Well I lack the knowledge to debate Stihl vs. Husvarna, but I have read that Stihls are not as good as dad's Stihl? But if Husqvarna does less than I think they should I will convert.
What you've read is dead wrong man. They may be a little lighter than the oldies, but they are still as durable as any saw made. Arguably the most durable being made.

P.S. The Stihl 026 I am borrowing is WAY too heavy for a 5'6" 145 pounder like me.

The 026 is lighter than the 346xpne. I find it even more manueverable but thats JMO. The 346 does have a bit more power than the 026 but it's nothing to change the game over.

I like Stihl and Husky, and own both. Just don't count Stihl out. If theres better dealer support for Stihl in your area, that would be reason enough for me to buy the Stihl. Especially if I could'nt fix my own saws.
Around here there is a Stihl dealer on every corner. None of them has any parts though and you soon learn which ones are better to fix your saw.
What you've read is dead wrong man. They may be a little lighter than the oldies, but they are still as durable as any saw made. Arguably the most durable being made.

The 026 is lighter than the 346xpne. I find it even more manueverable but thats JMO. The 346 does have a bit more power than the 026 but it's nothing to change the game over.

I like Stihl and Husky, and own both. Just don't count Stihl out. If theres better dealer support for Stihl in your area, that would be reason enough for me to buy the Stihl. Especially if I could'nt fix my own saws.

You said it right, better dealer support may the game changer.