I too have been following this from the start, and thus far have not read a single post stating what the actual failure was. Very few failures are viable for warranty, but some are valid warranty issues. 99% of all failures are due to the owner/operator and or the screwdriver.
No saying you dont have a valid claim, but if another dealer has touched a saw I will not and refuse to even think about submitting it for warranty consideration, for I don't know what they have done to it so proper failure analysis is out the window.
As you have mentioned you like Husqvarna products, your biggest issue is your relationship with multiple dealers. A good dealer would have inspected the saw, done all the tests required, had a written report and filed the claim with Husqvarna within days of the saw being brought in, or you would have been told to go pound salt as its not warranty and here the 1800 husky # I have my notes on the saw and will be glad to talk with the "tech's at the big orange"
Warranty.............materials and workmanship.................what was your failure again? comp reading? vac and pression at? for how long? overall condition of the saw? air filter? clutch, bar, chain condition? signs of overheating? cyl fin condition? heck the list goes on and on.
Well first dealer never touched it, second dealer said he adjusted carb but to no avail and third dealer did a compression test only after I told them to. The guy from Husqvarna, the dealer/tech guy that told me "you can't go higher than this, I'm the last stop", that guy (Rick) was pretty angry about the fact that Weirton Rental did not do any diagnostics, he asked me if they told me why it had low compression and I said nope! Also someone on here told me that if they heard their tech say that it ran fine at 90 PSI they would take the saw somewhere else . . . hmmmm prophetic or just common sense. I have learned SO much and really am thankful for all the input from this forum.