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Somebody bring me up to speed on this. What happened to the saw?
I would be most interested to hear more about Husqvarna building a plant in China to make chainsaws. Would you care to elaborate? Thnx.
They have said rhat they will move the production of the cheapest models from USA to China, but I didn't say if that involved any Husky brand saws. Worst case, it would be the 235 and 240, and who really cares about those - my Husky dealer just refuse to sell them anyway.......
I too have been following this from the start, and thus far have not read a single post stating what the actual failure was. Very few failures are viable for warranty, but some are valid warranty issues. 99% of all failures are due to the owner/operator and or the screwdriver.
No saying you dont have a valid claim, but if another dealer has touched a saw I will not and refuse to even think about submitting it for warranty consideration, for I don't know what they have done to it so proper failure analysis is out the window.
As you have mentioned you like Husqvarna products, your biggest issue is your relationship with multiple dealers. A good dealer would have inspected the saw, done all the tests required, had a written report and filed the claim with Husqvarna within days of the saw being brought in, or you would have been told to go pound salt as its not warranty and here the 1800 husky # I have my notes on the saw and will be glad to talk with the "tech's at the big orange"
Warranty.............materials and workmanship.................what was your failure again? comp reading? vac and pression at? for how long? overall condition of the saw? air filter? clutch, bar, chain condition? signs of overheating? cyl fin condition? heck the list goes on and on.
Somebody bring me up to speed on this. What happened to the saw?
I am not taking sides here, but your story is blurr to say the least. I already expressed my doubts in your first thread, and I would love to hear the story on the other (dealers) side. I also stated in the other thread that I was very surprised that Husqvarna promised you to sent a new replacement saw just because you made a simple phone call....seems that my opinion got confirmed.
Sorry to say but you sound as either very naive, or not telling the entire story. I can understand one dealer fooling you around, but several dealers telling you bogus is a bit surprising to say the least.
Is there any AS member around to check out his saw ??
I too have been following this from the start, and thus far have not read a single post stating what the actual failure was. Very few failures are viable for warranty, but some are valid warranty issues. 99% of all failures are due to the owner/operator and or the screwdriver.
No saying you dont have a valid claim, but if another dealer has touched a saw I will not and refuse to even think about submitting it for warranty consideration, for I don't know what they have done to it so proper failure analysis is out the window.
As you have mentioned you like Husqvarna products, your biggest issue is your relationship with multiple dealers. A good dealer would have inspected the saw, done all the tests required, had a written report and filed the claim with Husqvarna within days of the saw being brought in, or you would have been told to go pound salt as its not warranty and here the 1800 husky # I have my notes on the saw and will be glad to talk with the "tech's at the big orange"
Warranty.............materials and workmanship.................what was your failure again? comp reading? vac and pression at? for how long? overall condition of the saw? air filter? clutch, bar, chain condition? signs of overheating? cyl fin condition? heck the list goes on and on.
100% correct.
I never have a problem with warranty claims. Do it online, and they are paid the next day.
Only ever had one saw replaced, and that was due to a broken rod and the fact that it was senseless to replace both the top and bottom end, so that guy got himself a new saw.
There is obviously a problem with Zeek's saw, but there is no problem "with 346's", as it being my second best seller, I'd surely be aware of any issues. (actually this year I think it's outselling the 372)
Loss of compression has two simple sources. Either it wasn't put together right, or it wasn't treated right by it's owner. The first dealer must determine the cause of the problem. A leaky boot for instance, means the factory is to blame, and they have to pay for your saw to be fixed, NOT replaced. If there's nothing wrong with the saw, then it's all on the owner. Bad gas, old gas, wrong oil, dull chain. Many items can cause a saw to toast the top end. Doesn't matter if you just bought it, or how much you paid. Lots of saws have accidents/problems the first day in the woods. It sucks when it happens to a new saw, but the fact that it's new doesn't alter the factory/owner responsibility equation.
The real problem here is that the first dealer is incompetent. Not a surprise to me, because rental yards are just the worst possible places to buy a saw. And it's easy to understand why Zeek doesn't have faith that they will be able to fix his saw properly. Other dealers can't be expected to cheerfully jump in and save the day, especially after another dealer has had his fingers in the saw. But if you want help from another dealer, the best approach is to ASK for help rather than demand a solution while venting at the guy for something he is not responsible for.
But still, as hamish has pointed out, we don't yet know the exact nature of the failure or what caused it. Without that information, there's no way to tell what a proper course of action should be.
Sure, ya ready, here's a line from the first thread about his saw.
" He told me it ran fine and that he just cut with it for 10 minutes, I said do a compression test, he did, it was 90".
Need to know anymore Spike? Never seen a saw that would even start period at 90lbs, someone is telling a biggie, that good ole AS BS I call it Spike, you know what I'm talking about, too funny, some things never change,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
I have a feeling that there is something missing from this story - after all it is about one of the most "bullet proof" saw models on the market.........
Good to see you back Thall. Your Comments/Opinions are priceless. Stick around for a while,
Thanks Dave. The weather is yukkie today and its Labor Day, dayummm bummer it is. Thought since its nasty out I'd peek in here and see what the gossip is in the chainsaw world. I just teased Ole Troll but I'm inclined to agree with him, something is a miss with the story on that saw....
I Agree with that. You rarely get the whole story when only one side tells it!
Yup and its nothing new happens all the time. The facts are usually kept hidden to promote the drama.
Last week I had a customer bring back a saw he wanted to return. I go ok, whats wrong with the saw. He proceeds to show me a bruise on his leg where the limb he sawed fell and hit his leg. Then he shows me a spot on top of his noggin where another limb he sawed came down and hit him on the head. He says I cannot used that saw, look what it has done to me, I want my money back. I said ok now tell me whats wrong with the saw. Boy he got hot. He raised t-total hell. When he got done fumning I said now if ya done screaming could ya tell me whats wrong with the saw. Needless to say he still owns that saw. He was the most fun I've had in a long time,LOL
I'm off today and its raining here, ya know what that means dontcha, I got my eye on ya,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Whatcha wanna bet he's brought a hammer back to HD or Lowes? "Just look what this hammer did to ma thumb!"![]()
Now there is some AS advertising,haha. Troll what ya up to ole skeeter? Ya been behaving ya self? I haven't been around much to keep ya true and honest but your in luck today, I'm off today and its raining here, ya know what that means dontcha, I got my eye on ya,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
I'll be daaayyyyyummmmm, that lowlife has survived Irene and has come back to start some pot stirring...how ya doing, Master !!!
Psssst, I have blown up my saw and was just wandering if you could hook me up with a new one under warranty... least you can do for a poor guy like me, whatcha say..:hmm3grin2orange:
I have been behaving well lately, ole buddy!
Now did it go with 2K and his 261, did you wear it out before he got it? :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Wouldn't surprise me, he was that type for sure. He got all bent out of shape. Started throwing his arms in the air, yelling and carring on. He was mouthing off all mad and spit shooting out his mouth. He told me you should have never sold me that saw, you should have known better. I was standing there with my arms crossed, hand on my chin looking at him thinking how was I to know your a dumbazz,LOLOL Seems the more I grinned at him the madder he got, so natually I grinned even more,hahahaha Tell ya how bad it got. He stormed away in his car and refused to take the saw with him. About 15 minutes later he calls and in a real nice calm voice tells me oh Tom I left my sunglasses on your counter, I'll be over to get them. I go no problem, I'll holdem for ya. He returns for his glasses and while there I said listen ya need to take ya saw home with ya, he whispers ok,LOLOLOL He must be what they call bi-polar or something. Aren't they da ones that get all mad and act crazy one minute and then are fine the next minute? Regardless he's still a dumbazz in my most humble opinion,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange