Tree Freak
As much as I don't want to admit it lxt, after reading this pansey azz soap opera i'm starting to agree with you
I think you should get back on your anti-phycotics and whatever the hell IXT is blabbing about is way off base. I would think if you can't see that then you should get your eyes checked as well.
getting people to do what I can't? I have to say compared to me you are a low level climber NC. Nothing personal, that is the fact. Actually I was a not happy with having to drag them limbs up the hill no sir. You were to lazy to do it right. I could go on about what I think is panzy assed and I will but later.
IXT, you got nothing on me, most of what I post and how I post it is more just supposed to grab a laugh. You can see by my work what kind of guy I am and I can only think that by your negative response you must be jealous or something, I don't really know. Mafia wannabe? What are you serious? But there you go again Talking about what i pay people who come help me. You are talking but you don't know what about. Hey, if that is your world fine but its not mine.
Jump on me and you get it back is what i say. I also say I have seen more pansies trying to do it how I do for so long its funny they don't recognize. I think you should stop trying to bring me and the guys I work with down. Mafia wannabe attitude? Uh-huh. Yeah, you sound like one of those half wits who live up there. Who gives a #### about you? Not me. But I don't like when you talk #### like you know... cause you don't.