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You guys been a little bored today, or what?
You guys been a little bored today, or what?
Nope can do bucko! You say your sorry for the remark you made about a certain someone on this site when we were leaving the job and then I will consider it. Thats the kind of chit I have no tolerance for.
Who would that be? This plot keeps on thickening and thickening....and thickening.
and thickening
I hope its me, I hope its me. There is nothing more meaningful that a good argument on an internet forum and I am jealous I am not involved in this one.
I know, I go off. You should see it in person, sometimes they call the police( remember the expanda foam in the kids muffler?). But I can't accept being called a pansy when I/we gave. Maybe a better man might but I ain't a better man.Same thing when Treeco made that indiscriminate remark about The Plas's sister. There are jokes and then there aren't jokes.
No I wasn't bored, Ihad to rent a bobcat to move that dam zelkova and THAT had trouble getting it up the hill... but its in the ground now.
Meh, I let that #### roll right off, chief. To each his own, I s'pose.
Now SOM, don't get mad, you asked, I told. Its not like I am looking to make fun of you, its just my perception. If you are fine, you seem like a good guy I am not looking to bash you and if you aren't.... oooops.
I wish I had that capabilty.
He is a good guy, Dano. Mother ####er not only found me a chip box but offered his number should my guys need any help when they were up his way. He don't know me, he definitely don't know my guys and he just threw out his offer with no question. That says a lot about a man. I don't even care if he's gay, although I don't get that vibe from him. You're an odd one, chief. You been drinkin' today?
Ok, I said I thought you were a homosexual. I was actually going to ask if you were. No joke. Don't get mad or anything( you did ask) but that is just what I thought. But let me ask you this, " do you feel invloved now?"
I think your words were a little more harsh than that but i'm not going to repeat it.
I tell ya dan you were making me uncomfortable when we were chatting at lunch, thought you were secretly checking me out.
What the hell is the matter with you dude? You are crazy. Its Ok to be crazy I guess but yer nutz. Its one thing then another with you all coming from far out where it don't mean nothiing anyway. I have the idea you only came down to mess with us in the first place. Go away, I'm done. I am not mad anymore BUT I WAS. Hey, you still need help with that job? Get real.
Anyway, what does what I think about SOM have to do with this?
I have an uncle who is gay and he's a really good guy. He is constantly dealing with people's gay inuendo. I just think it stupid talking that kind of smack
But nothing to do with what's at hand right? Your just changing the subject and looking for ways to get at me? But oh yeah, I was checking you out. No joke.
Talking stupid smack? Like the " Pansy assed " thing? Right? Right.