...what a meat whistle!!
This is getting too funny!
...what a meat whistle!!
Hi, just bought my first saw (although used them in the past with more experienced mates) and have been reading stuff avidly for the last few days. The saw's a Husky 142 (I know, almost a toy!) but my question is why do they state using a 40:1 mix and almost everywhere else I look 50:1 seems standard practice? Would using the leaner mix hurt the Husky (not that I intend to). It just seems wierd that Husqvarna bucks (ha!) the trend...
Running a richer fuel mix it best because it the oil is used to lubricate the piston and cylinder because the two stroke dosen't have motor oil in the crankcase like a four stroke. Also running a richer fuel mixture will never burn out a saw. The saw will bog down and it will fowl plugs but your better off running a two stroke or any engine richer. If you run it too lean you will burn out the engine and then your talking big bucks. The most that will happen running a engine too rich is you fowl a plug or have some carbon build up. I was always told your better running rich than too lean.
Well I've been running Amsoil Saber 100:1 for about a year now with no problems. I like it because you only have to buy $ half as much, so it saves me $ there. I really like how little the saws smoke. Used to smoke ya out when cutting off a stump burning 50:1. With 100:1 there isn't that haze near the ground where your kneeling. The Amsoil has a blue die in it. I also ran it in my two stroke dirt bikes all summer. I trust Amsoil products, I think it is a quality product.
Anyone ever try running rc fuel in a chain saw? I mean come on, 30% nitro it's gotta run for at least 3 seconds.:chainsawguy: