Um yeah, I was talking about the fact that the pre made stuff (made for you by whatever company) often has claims of longer shelf life before its opened, but once its opened its life is claimed as much less.
I just buy fresh fuel and mix my own, have used mix that is quite old, but we dont have any ethanol mix here, and keep the fuel in proper sealed containers, it worked fine.
Not sure what all the fuss is about.
I will continue to mix my own, that way I have full control over the ratio and its age. if others want to buy pre made/ mixed fuel, and they are happy with the cost and what benefits it may or may not give, well thats their choice.
Had a few bikes that had oil injection too, miss them.
honestly we should be more concerned over the bs and lies china is pulling with the world than oil fuel ratios, tho if they start up some *&% in the shipping lanes around the phillipines, then maybe those with sealed pre made mix might be better off

LOL, as at least they have fuel.