660's Seizing up out of Box??

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Welp we carry saws from the 180 to the 880 though we dont bother with the 390,650,270 or 280 or the little 170, just so little demand for those. The rest we have. Around here where we're at its yuppie town. We sell alot of 180's,230's, 250's 290's and 310's to the home owners, mostly all they need to do what they wanna do. The woodchucks I've converted to the 361 and sold a slew of them. The 260 seems be steady most of the year and especially at Christmas time. As for the big saws maybe 10 to 15 big ones a year, that a 441,460, 660 mix. I did sell a 880 a few weeks ago. Today I sold a 460 over a 441. The man tried them both in a log and said the 441 was too high tech for him, he prefered the old style vib system, said it felt more solid and he's right. He was impressed with the way the 441 cut but said it felt to smooth to be a saw,lolol. He chose the 460 and he and I both smiled at the counter. I don't push any saw, they are all for sale.

Sales overall are slow right now. Jan, Feb and March are our worst three months. Come April we'll start rocking and rolling and I can't wait.

We sell about 10-12 460's a year, and about 25 or so 361's and on that pace with the 44, but only 3-4 660's at best and an 880 once every other year. Saws and generators start to slow down a lil bit for us in march, but lawn mowers start to go full throttle by mid march here and trimmers are full throttle by april. And our service dept...we're gonna be so back up this spring. We're abuot 10 days out right now for most repairs and we haven't really kicked in to gear yet. I'd imagine we'll get to 4-6 weeks out again.
Maybe you should change you sig to"The Chump"
LOLOL, now you and me got something in common. I live by the ole saying of "when in doult throw it out". I like your attitude. I'm the sameway, screw it, pitch it and buy a new one. Good post Timber, I'm the sameway. Dull chain, sharpen it my azz, toss it and grab a new one. I know some prefer to sharpen, me I prefer to change em, not sharpen them. Some things I tant got time to be piddling with, grab a new one and go. Good post Timber!

I won't go chunkin' dull chains now....If I did that I'd be dropping a grand a week on chains.
I won't go chunkin' dull chains now....If I did that I'd be dropping a grand a week on chains.

A grand a week, dayumm, thats a bunch of chain. Can't blame ya for sharpening them till theres little left of them then. Me, I'm no big operator, and I getem fairly cheap. I have been keeping them of late instead of just throwing them down. I got a slew out in the shed that need touching up. One day I'll get up off my butt and do it but for now, they just laying in a box..
Why would I do that John, that would put me in your league,wink!

Tom,I am sorry you are "the champ".You can make a piece of chit sound like a piece of gold.Thats what most stihl sellers are,just salesmen.Guys like you keep me in business.John What Ever But Mostly stihl
Tom,I am sorry you are "the champ".You can make a piece of chit sound like a piece of gold.Thats what most stihl sellers are,just salesmen.Guys like you keep me in business.John What Ever But Mostly stihl

John before I address your obvious problem just what business are you in that I keep you in? BTW don't run off like you usually do, time you and me had a little chat.
I' am one of the 6 head sawyers for Wieland&Sons Lumber Company.I saw and file at the Wisconsin plant.Week nights and weekends,I am a connoisseur of the chainsaw. but hey,in the past .I have not had the right flywheel puller here and went to the stihl dealer and had to show his tech where it was located and show him how to use it.Seth
So Thall and Lakeside, How many 660's you all seen in the return bin?
or anyone working at the stihl dealers for that matter.

Zero from me... and sold about 10 in just the last two months... never have heard of any problems with the 660...

Sound like BS to me...
Ya mean ya like the 395 better than ya 660's, dayummm Timber whatcha gonna do when them 395 crank bearings come flying out at you,:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

I got to use one a few weeks back. Seemed to work pretty damn well to me, but what do I know..:monkey: Bearings stayed in too:hmm3grin2orange: Stihl like my 066...
I' am one of the 6 head sawyers for Wieland&Sons Lumber Company.I saw and file at the Wisconsin plant.Week nights and weekends,I am a connoisseur of the chainsaw. but hey,in the past .I have not had the right flywheel puller here and went to the stihl dealer and had to show his tech where it was located and show him how to use it.Seth

Well thats good John. So you run saws, cool. You had to show the tech how to use the puller, well I'm proud of you John, I'm so impressed, you actually know how to use a puller, well I'm overwhelmed, oh wait, durn John I do too but I don't have to go get one, gotem all. You should getcha some tools John, quit that borrowing stuff, spend some of that rusty money.

Now that you've enlighten me tell me what your beef is John, with me and Stihl? I merely ask becasue I haven't sold you anything and I haven't given you a hard time so whats up with ya?
A grand a week, dayumm, thats a bunch of chain. Can't blame ya for sharpening them till theres little left of them then. Me, I'm no big operator, and I getem fairly cheap. I have been keeping them of late instead of just throwing them down. I got a slew out in the shed that need touching up. One day I'll get up off my butt and do it but for now, they just laying in a box..

Five to ten saws runnin' all day long...Chunk a chain everytime it needs an edge,that would be some serious cash.....I do throw them out when the teeth get about half-way filed back...This is only to keep the saws operating more effectively.
A grand a week, dayumm, thats a bunch of chain. Can't blame ya for sharpening them till theres little left of them then. Me, I'm no big operator, and I getem fairly cheap. I have been keeping them of late instead of just throwing them down. I got a slew out in the shed that need touching up. One day I'll get up off my butt and do it but for now, they just laying in a box..

If the mechanic where you work wasn't so busy selling saws, he might be able to sharpen them chains.
Wait a minute. That would be you.
If the mechanic where you work wasn't so busy selling saws, he might be able to sharpen them chains.
Wait a minute. That would be you.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I hate grinding chains, love grinding though,:ices_rofl: :ices_rofl:
Wait a minute...I just though of one. The side-rod brought two new 066s to the woods, gassed em up, oiled em up, put on brand new bars and chain, set em down on the edge of the landing and a D7 backed over both saws. Siezed em up pretty tight. Does this count?

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