I just left a site that was trying to settle a simple problem to come to this site, which is trying to solve an extremely complex problem. The other site was trying to determine the formulation for calculating the number of angels on the head of a pin. This is an oil thread.
I think people are losing sight of the fact that 2 cycle oils are a combination of base oil or oils and an add package. The entire package works together to determine the outcome. Some people are focusing on one aspect of the oil to make conclusions that are not valid when one considers how the entire package, when added to the fuel, works for the designated purpose.
The other thing that one must consider, that was pointed out to me some time ago, is the migration of oil through the the engine. I use the same saw for felling and then limbing the tree. The oil that works well at wide open throttle may foul at idle. The oil that works well at idle may provide inadequate protection at full throttle. When felling and limbing the oil that works well at idle may provide adequate oil protection at full throttle until the excess oil that has collected in the crankcase depletes itself. I am using Motul 710 2T at 32 to 1 currently. If I was milling, where the saw is at full throttle for extended periods of time, I would probably use Motul 800 off road or even Motul on road.