When I run out of 800 off-road I'm trying the cheapest 2-cycle oil, mixed at 32:1, and compare.
I've always been of the belief that any oil with a well known brand name label (someone with a reputation to protect) will be of high quality... regardless of what certifications it may or may not carry. With 2-stroke small engines I shy away from oil with multiple mix ratios on the label, or those that claim to be "safe in
all two-cycle engines"... like I posted several pages back, in my experiences a Jack-of-all-trades is a master of none. (but, everybody ain't me)
There is no "oil test" or oil thread that's gonna' convince me to change what's worked (for me) for something over 20 years in several pieces of OPE. It don't matter to me that it ain't the latest-'n'-greatest, all that matters to me is my stuff starts and runs when I need it to without breaking... what more can I ask for?? (but, everybody ain't me)
I ain't a pro... I don't use enough fuel to worry about a few pennies on the oil either way... so I don't price shop. (but, everybody ain't me)
I don't have any ported/modified equipment (yet

), so I mix it at the ratio I mix it at. (but, everybody ain't me)
Am I sayin' I'll never change?? Nope, I don't burn bridges behind me. But I am sayin', after 230 pages, I ain't read anything to convince me I should change anything... so, as of today, I have no intention of changing anything. (but, everybody ain't me)
And finally, I will not slam, put-down, or denigrate anyone for making the choice to use whatever they want, at whatever ratio they feel comfortable with, for whatever their reasons... one thing this thread has shown for sure... everybody ain't me.