KenJax Tree
Who made a new name?
From your own article you linked:
KEY DEFINITIONS Detonation: Detonation is the spontaneous combustion of the end-gas (remaining fuel/air mixture) in the chamber. It always occurs after normal combustion is initiated by the spark plug. The initial combustion at the spark plug is followed by a normal combustion burn. For some reason, likely heat and pressure, the end gas in the chamber spontaneously combusts. The key point here is that detonation occurs after you have initiated the normal combustion with the spark plug.
The last sentence of that above:
The key point here is that detonation occurs after you have initiated the normal combustion with the spark plug.
That is exactly what DDT is..... And I've been saying DDT.....
Don't tell me what is or what isn't relevant about anything fire, explosion or combustion related be it in a house, engine, pipe bomb or explosive unicorn. Same scientific terms apply to any of them.
Whats your new user name ?I like how current members create a new identity to argue this stuff in fear of doing it under their current username to spare themselves the ridicule...i love it.
.....or explosive unicorn.
awesome poast.
So if a unicorn explodes does it turn into pixie dust?
Ok ok last one I better get going lol.I would imagine something like that. it would be rainbow colored for sure
Whats your new user name ?
On a oil related note i used my 011 for some slow paced tree trimming today. I was using amsoil saber pro at 32:1, i had a fair bit of smoking. I assume it is because of the lower temps short runtime. Once i got into some longer cuts it cleaned right up with no smoke. I think this oil may do better at 50:1 on the smoking .
The question is are you looking for best performance, or what is best for the saw longevity? Personally I am just cutting firewood not in a race contest. I will sacrifice a second or 2 per cut for the longer life of the saw.
Chances are that lost time could be regained with a well sharpened chain.The question is are you looking for best performance, or what is best for the saw longevity? Personally I am just cutting firewood not in a race contest. I will sacrifice a second or 2 per cut for the longer life of the saw.
Most of the people on this site will never wear out a saw. Or even come close to it.The question is are you looking for best performance, or what is best for the saw longevity? Personally I am just cutting firewood not in a race contest. I will sacrifice a second or 2 per cut for the longer life of the saw.
That's cheap.Thats only 16$ per liter on 800t off road. About as cheap as Ive seen
Last 800t I bought was 22 per lThat's cheap.
I found some 2r for $8.60 a quart.
I am paying more than that. K2 is higher yet. Leads me to ask if eather is nearly 3x better than 2R or is it better at all when ran in a chainsaw?Last 800t I bought was 22 per l