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$180,000 is a lot of frog skins for a lift in comparison to what probably 99.5% of us make in the tree service business. I am for sure in that 99.5%.
LMFAO............Jelly of you? maybe cause everyones got to tea bag you cept me! Well folks..........apparently Mr. Blakes has an entire division & fleet service of his own???? show us big boy!! I mean hell you have owned & sold more, & bla bla bla
LOL, what I like about lil tree services like yours Blakes is that when your 50 & all yer help has turned over 100 times & no one wants to work for or with you & you have re-mortgaged your shack so many times to help the biz..............whelp, Ill come to lowes garden section & buy off ya, maybe put a buck in the red can for ya?
So my lil flier, while yer trimming uhum....I mean putting up Xmas lights (LMFAO) ill be having a tree crew cut a path to the H frame Ill be A-ripping on monday.......then maybe we`ll have the tree crew just for fun clear the ivy vines off the T-poles, then whatever else we wanna em to do........they`ll do!!!! really though we have a good relationship, but they do what we want them to! should do whats told of you! "PUT THE XMAS LIGHTS UP" LOL, Blakes............a loser with 1 bucket & a hand full of crap & he thinks he is all that, you`re no better than anyone on this site, no better than I was nor will you ever be, I came on here to give a guy advice cause I, unlike you have ran many track lift, towbehind & SD machines & know what they can do!
I didnt come here to argue........however you felt the need to chime in like the supository you are and all the crap starts to flow, you are nothing but a tree service with no credentials & you think you are better? atleast I obtained qualifications, certifications, licenses & so on............doesnt make me better, I just truly enjoyed my trade enough to educate my self as much as I could........But how silly of many of us to do that, we should just follow your business plan & then we can brag how big we think we are, what a loser you really are!
The two companies I'm talking to say $1500 per day rental. I don't think that's realistic here in Ohio. Maybe half that. Still trying to guesstimate the useful life of the machine to me and the residual value at the end. I'm used to buying used equipment and having someone else take the big hit and having a good resale value when I'm done. This will be a little different for me.I can rent one here for a mere $1400/day or 12000/month. Insurance shouldn't kill your idea. If you have the capital and the means to pay it off, make it happen. I have toyed with the Teupen LEO 27 purchase, but to date cannot justify it. Good luck.
I'm pretty sure I'd handle it more like a contract climber than a simple rental. Whether or not I was up in the bucket working, I'm sure I'd want to handle the delivery, spotting and set-up. I know it's big dollars and I don't want this bumped into the political forum so I won't try to defend this next statement but with the government printing money as fast as they can I feel confident that the dollars I have in the bank will lose additional value and I'd sooner put the money into working hardware then watch it evaporate.IMHO, those lifts are the future of this business. To a large degree at least. It all boils down to dollars n cents. Lots of dollars and little sense. Ha ....kidding. I would think you would need to have more work than you can do now (or during the season ) to even consider it. I know for me I would need to double production to even begin to afford it. Insurance aside, I would be really uneasy with renting it out. I think this type of lift will become common in ten years from now.
well if you get one give me a heads up mike is in town but hes is not liked here tom
I would be scared crapless on that thing.
hmmm! Not quite sure what you mean. Someone from Syosset?
Have you ever thought of finding a nice girl, settling down, getting therapy?
that's happened to the guy from Syosset now he sold his tree co and under a rockNo ####!! The middle pic of that thing looks like its about to go ass over tea-kettle!! Lol.. F that!
yes and he had no ins on it hes got some big lawsuitsWas that really a tracked lift? I thought I remember pics of a failed fiberglass boom. I've been talking to Jeff.
yes and he had no ins on it hes got some big lawsuits
oh, brother