a new carbuerator + labor

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ArboristSite Member
Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
for 180.00 us

i gave the go ahead for this out of desperation and to get it done

just to let you guys know

i feel whipped
Post the shop's name and business number...none of us want to go there.

On the bright side...you'll probably never get stung like that again, and others reading your adventures will ask the right questions before agreeing to hand over their wallet.

As a final shot, I'd suggest that at the least, you get your old used parts. That old carb has some value to someone, as maybe do the old top ends. In occasional cases slightly scored pistons can still work and the jug can sometimes be salvaged like wise. You may get a few bucks for them on EBAY.

It's entirely possible that the shop will not want to give you these parts...perhaps because they haven't actually replaced everything they said they did.
well if someone were to ask me where they should get a stihl

i would probably suggest they go elsewhere

they're saying that it's a fixed jet carb and that i was negligent in not telling them it was from oregon

my motto is going to be "i JUST wanna cut some wood"
Ask your dealer to please show you in any Stihl literature which areas have different carburetors of there saws.
Ask him to show you any paper that states that the Oregon models are different.
STOP NOW!!!!!!

If it is a fixed jet carb, the jet can be changed. The new jets are less than $5 and take about 10 minutes to change out.
Grab your saw and RUN away from that shop!! Do NOT give them any more money for screwing up your saw!! They have NO clue what they are doing, and if they fix your saw it will be dumb luck.
:angry: :angry:
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please post shop name

Please post the shop's name. I am from the Twin Cities also and have had bad luck with some shops, Last 025 I bought from Suburban Hardware had the chain on backwards. Please let us know what shop you are having problems with.


PS if you don't want to publically say email me at;
[email protected]
I can only say that I feel for you. I have been in loosing situations before and it's not been fun. But on the bright side, you have an 066.:D :D
These guys are either complete idiots or blatant con artists. I'd keep my money away from them and call Stihl. See what hits the fan after that. Maybe even get legal if you have a cheap lawyer. :)
Originally posted by timberturner
they're saying that it's a fixed jet carb and that i was negligent in not telling them it was from oregon....

OK, so now it's YOUR responsibility to tell the mechanic that he needs to CHECK the carb?? Amazing that they screw you so badly (without lube) and then say that it is YOUR fault? I'd be documenting all this, copying the threads here, and mailing copies of all of it to someone at Stihl.

You have a very well documented case, especially with this forum. You have given them chance after chance and refused to badmouth them even though we have. I'd say that someone higher up the food chain might be able to fix this for you. Time to quit dealing with these fools and go over their head. AFTER you have your saw back- even if it is in pieces!
I agree with Brian, don`t take this lying down. In the vein that John is thinking, what about small claims court? You might have a slam dunk for a little of your time and $10 - $15 if you can get some evidence from Stihl showing that the carbs are the same in Oregon and Minnesota, or if the defendent loses by not showing up. I`d wave this idea in their faces because in many cases of a few hundred dollars, even if the charges are legitimate, a small business cannot afford the time in court to defend themselves. Ordinarily I would not encourage you to do this but those guys are taking you to the cleaners while their tech learns how to do his job. I would further insist that you get your old parts back, you own them, and you may need them or they may be saleable. of course I don`t know what your personality is, you actually seem like too nice a guy, but I would try to muster whatever it takes to make a few demands that they fix your saw free of charge and don`t take no for an answer. Besides, are you worried about ruffling their feathers? What are the chances you will ever deal with them again? Hang in there Timberturner, the battles worth winning usually aren`t easy. Russ
you are your advocate...

Dude, some pretty good advice has been given here over the last couple days. Why cave in to these morons because they are good at making up stories.

1) Get your saw back, these guys don't deserve more of your money. Get all of the parts, you paid for them!

2) Call stihl and get somebody there to help you and recommend a good shop.

3) report these guys to the state attorney general, that might get you some money back from these crooks.

4) stick to your guns, or you are gonna be sawless and out a big wad of cash.

5) just cuz ya wanna cut wood is no reason to give up and make rash decisions.

This will only come out in your favor if you do the work in getting people to help you with your situation.
I particularly like the advice about saving and forwarding the posts/threads here to <a href="http://www.stihlusa.com/contact.html">Stihl USA</a>.

It sure seems to me that when one dealer has the capacity to get dozens of people ticked off (you've already had 100 views so far) so it makes sense that Stihl would want to step in and try to salvage their reputation.
You are in no way liable for the techs lack of knowledge
You need to tell them to STOP the repair and you need to Call Stihl ASAP and get them involved. They will step in. They replaced an 034 for me that a dealer screwed up. Had me go to another dealer who they instructed to replace my saw.
From my Stihl carb manual: there is no listing of an 066 saw with a fixed jet.
A fixed jet carb has no high speed screw, and the full load setting cannot be altered. all the listings for the 066 show it as having a full load semi fixed jet.
The 180.00 fee is to cover their cost of the new piston and cyl.