Adjustable Cinch Carabiner

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Good points, and you are guys are the professionals. Thanks again for the feedback! :)
I think this topic is pretty well smothered for this forum. :(

You should be able to find a online hunting site similar to this one. Maybe you could do a search and find some decent advice on SAFELY hanging treestands from other hunters. See what they are using for equipment.

a ropeman and locking biner would be lighter and of similar if not smaller size. total cost about 50$
also would function very much the same.

would recommend double autolocking carabiner rather than the screwlock carabiner pictured.
Teh Ropeman is not a good choice for an adjuster. The teeth are too aggresive and will pick the rope in short order. Using a tool with a slotted cam like a Gibbs, Microcender or one of the ISC tools would be the best.

Tom the original ropeman has a slotted cam. Still more agressive than most but it doesn't pick rope.

Oh, and what are the ISC tools?
I think Canadian Arbo Supplies sells some of the stuff. If you want to get the gear, write to them and find out who a US distributor is.

You could also try:

Yates sells some ISC gear, I'd bet they could get more.

How do you think I found all of my connections and links? Rarely did I have someone do my homework for me.

Avid, Thanks for posting the pictures. This thread has been pretty well hashed since I've been away but I'll add a musing or 2. The 'safety' gear sold to hunters (of which I am one) seems pretty cheesy to those of us that climb for our livlihood. I frankly don't know what standards (if any) exist for hunter's safety equipment. Some of what I've examined was rated for 2000 lbs-way below our standards. On the other hand,we use our gear day in and day out. We swing around on our ropes all day and run them through natural crotches under load (okay not everyone but many of us). Even if a hunter weighs 300 lbs a 2000lb rating allows a 6/1 plus safety margin-he isn't likely to break the rope/strap/fastener. What could easily occur instead would be a broken back from the dinky little belt if the fall involved more than a couple of feet..
Personally, I wouldn't opt for Avid's snap (which is an interesting bit of gear) or one of our fancy rope grabs/ascenders. I would choose a 'biner, swivel snap (as slack tender) and friction hitch. That is the cheapest arrangement. probably the lightest. and totally reliable-I'm familiar with it. Avid is familiar with his device and trusts it.-Since it has been around for several years and hasn't been sued out of existence it probably IS trustworthy for his application.:angel: