GFY :msp_tongue:
I just realized there was a forum about chainsaws here
This is kinda cool
GFY :msp_tongue:
Anyone wanna kick in the sack?
Errr I mean talk about these kits? I've got one here already and more in route. They really are nice. I plan to offer them with mods and a 90 day warranty. I won't sell them stock though. That's Watsonr's thing.
I'm thinking about getting this saw that I have sitting in a box fixxed up and ported.
Who should I send this box to?
I know it's missing a cylinder, should I go OEM or aftermarket?
I'm considering Golf
It's a 066
Send it to Dennis and Brad. They can collaborate.
I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor... and surviving.
Send it to Dennis and Brad. They can collaborate.
I'm thinking about getting this saw that I have sitting in a box fixxed up and ported.
Who should I send this box to?
I know it's missing a cylinder, should I go OEM or aftermarket?
I'm considering Golf
It's a 066
Yeah, its the stuff that gets filtered out of Coors Light/Bud Light/Miller Light cans.:hmm3grin2orange:
Jacob, are you good with 066's?
I've got about 5 boxes worth of saw parts that need to be sorted through
I'm sure a runner is in there somewhere:hmm3grin2orange:
ya got that right and it took the alcohol with it aussie beer is 5% better than that watered down stuff you blokes drink
ya gotta drink 30 cans to get a buzz
I'm gonna be busy for the next 18 months picking all the dead skin off my feet.
I'm gonna be busy for the next 18 months picking all the dead skin off my feet.
Should we send first responders to Virginia?