Opportunistic Hooligan
Can anyone recomend a good oil mix ?
Amsoil and E15 @ 250:1
Can anyone recomend a good oil mix ?
Can anyone recomend a good oil mix ?
I'm really rather speechless after taking the time to read through this thread. It's great that a site sponsor is willing to give a 90 day warranty on the AM products he's offering, but another poster displayed a completely unnecessary "injury" picture of a long time contributing member for reasons unknown. The picture I mention is one previously posted by the OP in a "safety" thread. The OP selflessly posted it, against his best interest, in the hopes others would learn from his mistake. To use it for ANY purpose, other than the OP's, is in VERY poor taste in my opinion. I'm all in favor of people being honest and helpful. That picture in this context should have not been used and I'm embarrassed for the poster who included it. Blsnelling certainly deserves far more respect than he was given, even if one disputes some of the articles/criticisms he's posted.
BTW, I'm for using whatever cylinders / parts will work reliably on a saw, but have only found OEM cylinders to perform best, even when fitted with Meteor pistons and Caber rings. Sorry, those always have worked best for me, even though I've only rebuilt a few dozen saws to form my opinion. The AM cylinders have all proven lower in performance in my experience (no porting).
I'm really rather speechless after taking the time to read through this thread. It's great that a site sponsor is willing to give a 90 day warranty on the AM products he's offering, but another poster displayed a completely unnecessary "injury" picture of a long time contributing member for reasons unknown. The picture I mention is one previously posted by the OP in a "safety" thread. The OP selflessly posted it, against his best interest, in the hopes others would learn from his mistake. To use it for ANY purpose, other than the OP's, is in VERY poor taste in my opinion. I'm all in favor of people being honest and helpful. That picture in this context should have not been used and I'm embarrassed for the poster who included it. Blsnelling certainly deserves far more respect than he was given, even if one disputes some of the articles/criticisms he's posted.
BTW, I'm for using whatever cylinders / parts will work reliably on a saw, but have only found OEM cylinders to perform best, even when fitted with Meteor pistons and Caber rings. Sorry, those always have worked best for me, even though I've only rebuilt a few dozen saws to form my opinion. The AM cylinders have all proven lower in performance in my experience (no porting).
Next we have an un-know and I'm not going to reveal who, but they are as equally as good! They are slightly cheaper and do have split rings with them and clips that are wire formed. This kit is good! Piston and cylinder are finished very nice, good chamfering, port shape and finish is spot on, so is the piston! This kit will be offered with a replacement set of Caber rings and yes, I'll cover you on this one as well, 90 days against failure if you use the Caber rings... and I will not budge on the rings, you order this kit, the rings are sent automatically! This is a 660 kit.
I'm not sure where you're getting your "ported" AM cylinders, or their cost after modification, but I regularly get NEW OEM cylinders, pistons and rings on Ebay for $150, or less. Used OEM cylinders for $50, or less, plus Meteor cylinders s/Caber rings rings for around $30. Your prices? I've used several different brands of cylinders and have found them to be less powerful than used OEM. Every single time they've felt much less powerful. No. I've not used any sort of dynometer. They've just felt less powerful and less responsive. No further description should be necessary to anyone who has run a single cylinder saw for any length of time.
Stock Meteor P/C kit from reputable dealer $159 + $250 for porting job from most site sponsors. You were saying???????
BTW, my point in posting on this thread was the injustice done to a long time member who has done more lately to promote this past time than most in the industry, at least that I'm aware of.
I'm not sure where you're getting your "ported" AM cylinders, or their cost after modification, but I regularly get NEW OEM cylinders, pistons and rings on Ebay for $159, or less. Used OEM cylinders for $50, or less, plus Meteor pistons w/Caber rings rings for around $30. Your prices? I've used several different brands of cylinders and have found them to be less powerful than used OEM. Every single time they've felt much less powerful. No. I've not used any sort of dynometer. They've just felt less powerful and less responsive. No further description should be necessary to anyone who has run a single cylinder saw for any length of time.
Stock Meteor P/C kit from reputable dealer $159 + $250 for porting job from most site sponsors. You were saying? I miss something?
BTW, my point in posting on this thread was the injustice done to a long time member who has done more lately to promote this past time than most in the industry, at least that I'm aware of.
I'm gonna be busy for the next 18 months picking all the dead skin off my feet.
Just looked at Fleabay for a couple OEM cylinders for saws that I am working on right now. No dice. If you have time to wait around in hopes that one might come up Good For You. I don't. When I need something, I need it soon. So for me that means going to the dealer and it's going to cost well over $160. As far as buying used, not me! Learned that lesson. Unless it's from a reputable member here I wouldn't even consider it. I'll take my chances on the new Meteor kit with the 90 day warranty. Watsonr just posted his price here for Meteor at $149.99. I have bolted those Meteor kits on right out of the box and been very pleased with them. Did you not see Brad's 046 Mahle vs Meteor comparison???
BTW, You won't see me getting all emotional over the bickerings of member's no matter how long they've been here.
I'm not sure where you're getting your "ported" AM cylinders, or their cost after modification, but I regularly get NEW OEM cylinders, pistons and rings on Ebay for $159, or less.
Used OEM cylinders for $50, or less, plus Meteor pistons w/Caber rings rings for around $30. Your prices? I've used several different brands of cylinders and have found them to be less powerful than used OEM. Every single time they've felt much less powerful. No. I've not used any sort of dynometer. They've just felt less powerful and less responsive. No further description should be necessary to anyone who has run a single cylinder saw for any length of time.
Stock Meteor P/C kit from reputable dealer $159 + $250 for porting job from most site sponsors. You were saying? I miss something?
BTW, my point in posting on this thread was the injustice done to a long time member who has done more lately to promote this past time than most in the industry, at least that I'm aware of.
Yes apparently you missed the whole thing. You're trying to say an OEM stock cylinder makes more power than a ported aftermarket one. I guess all the guys should have talked to you before they went to all that work on some of the buildoff saws. What happens when that top end you bought on the bay blows up in two months? Is the guy gonna send you a new one?
Do what you want but don't try to tell everyone else their way is wrong.
And after all the crap that's been slung here in the last couple of months, the picture of Brads busted head offended you the most? Really?