American - German Stihl's

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I doubt Stihl tells anyone publically the secrets of their business. Many suppliers have undisclosed relationships.

Seems like you are wandering off the topic again...Who said (other than based on religeon) that Husky pro saws were better then Stihl, or, vice versa?
People are thinking that Sthil products made in U.S.A., Brazil or Germany are very different in terms of quality.
But I’m going to tell all of you about some things to considerate.
Many Stihl products have cylinders made in Brazil by Stihl or Mahle and these cylinders are going to every factory they have on the world.
I have repaired 260’s (made in Germany with Germany’s cylinders), 660’s, etc toasted and the piston came in a box from Germany but inside of the piston you can read “Ind. Bras.”(Indústria Brasileira).:jawdrop: :jawdrop:
And many of yours saws surely have one of them.
And not only can we talk about cylinders.
There are a lot of pieces that are going from a factory to another.
Flywheels, crankshafts, mufflers, sprockets, oil pumps, fuel tanks, etc.

Remember, behind a name like Stihl are a lot of people taking care of quality to provide it in every factory that they have.
OK Stihl Tech School grads

You all toured the Virginia Beach facility

How many test cell stations are there and how many test operators?
is this a test??

All engines are run up and adjusted for emissions... Check out the little blob of temperature sensitive paint on each muffler.
Dont try and pull me into your weird little two step. I was at the NorthEast Headquarters. We only had classrooms.

I will be going to VA beach this summer hopefully. What kind of test stations are you talking about? Where they test the saws before thy leave or the test staions where they blow saws up in different ways and then test to see how they failed?

You should start a Stihl bashing thread, and ask all the questions you want, I dont know what your getting at but I have read several questions in multiple threads....all Vague
We shall wait for your return and please do count the test stations. They are where they run every piece for performance testing and tuning as stated on their site.
I did............... asking them about their thick ethanol that you and a person I spoke with on the phone talked about......they have not responded since

I am not bashing any one I am pleading that people not believe everything they are told use your own brain

The Emperor has no clothes often
PEST - call the EPA and complain that Stihl does not test their engines... Maybe they'll believe you, maybe you'll get placed on hold...

Does anyone base their case on what is read on a corporate website? and product??? but what if it was true????

BTW... again... every engine is tested.... and tuned... (epa) you're just reading too much into whatever you are reading, and like with your new car dealer, the Stihl dealer is the last link in the chain.
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You finally caught on
Unless the Keebler Elves are working for Stihl it is not possible that I can see time wise to test every single engine unit produced at the numbers they are producing.

4 million units in a year is A LOT of testing considering it takes time for engines to come up to operating temperature.

I did math 8 ways till tuesday and it just does not add up
Bring a person from Stihl and I will ask the same questions. OR tell me how many stations they have for doing the testing.

I know I know....they couldn't say it if it wasn't true...

Velcome to Fantasy Island

I run numbers all the time and have worked in many different production enviroments as well as worked on the design installation and maintenance of these lines

I am working on several projects right now and having a difficult time finding things that used to be standard and trusted brand names....known parameters and build quality......and all I get is marketing hype and technical gobbldy **** from the SUPPLIERS

I am not singling out Stihl.....they did what most companies do...they decided to take over an entire number 1 and continue percentage GROWTH......when this happens the cart leads the horse

If I am shown how Stihl can do this miracle act I will gladly offer a full apology
I beieve your unit or "warmup time" assumptions are wrong. I don't have the number of test cells at my fingertips - too late to call today...
So much of what the MFG say is horse chit its not even funny.... The guy that came up with the "thick ethanol" spiel out to be fired.

You have my attention.....I have been told by a fewdifferent sources, namey Stihl, that we cant run e-85 in the saws due to the molecules being too thick and stringy. They wont fit through the jets and eventually clog up the carb.

Not true?
Then you have understood my point....Good Job Boston Bull!....

As I stated when you first mentioned the thick ethanol I was sure you had heard it correctly as I had heard the same from the same source. It is not true and junk engineering theory being taught as fact.

Always be prepared to challenge "facts" from any source otherwise you as an individual inevitably are the one left holding the bag.

Eventually if someone actually responds to this statement I will bet that you would be blamed for not understanding correctly but I do believe you were told precisely that
You have my attention.....I have been told by a fewdifferent sources, namey Stihl, that we cant run e-85 in the saws due to the molecules being too thick and stringy. They wont fit through the jets and eventually clog up the carb.

Not true?
Its not only not true, but its pretty ridiculous.