Stihl Wrenching
In case some one takes Ben's post out of context... I wouldn't be running my saws on E85... There are many issues with running saws on E85.
You all toured the Virginia Beach facility
How many test cell stations are there and how many test operators?
That's fine....I have no problem with that.....I have a problem with EVERYONE INSISTING to me that Stihl emmisions tests every single unit produced.....again not possible as far as I can tell
I have no problem believing that at one time all units produced at the Virginia facility were tested individually but I have a very hard time running the numbers now
If I read Lakesides response correctly it appears that Stihl states that all units are test run at the end of the production line yet 1 in 250 are actually fully emmisions tested.
That's fine....I have no problem with that.....I have a problem with EVERYONE INSISTING to me that Stihl emmisions tests every single unit produced.....again not possible as far as I can tell
...but we aren't paranoid...
You do the math
There are 525600 minutes in a year
5 minutes each
4 million units
Yeah but just because you're paranoid doesn't mean everyone's not out to get you... :jester: :crazy1:opcorn: