The one with the screwed up white fir drop forgot to sound it with an axe.
That cut is generally only used on small trees where you don't have enough trunk diameter to fit a wedge in using a standard cut. I've used it a bit but it's risky on species with brittle wood as you are reducing your hinge diameter by up to a third in some cases. Not the sort of cut you want to do on a small back leaning Eucalypt. SNAP and it goes over backwards.
I wish I had steady handsExactly right. It can be handy in the right situation, but there's no doubt it's a fairly advanced higherrisk cut, and you want some pretty good holding wood.
I guess another note, your bore can be made from the back to preserve the heart of the hinge, just takes a steady hand.
The one with the screwed up white fir drop forgot to sound it with an axe.
Seriously tho, as one of the hordes of essentially raw amateurs with ridiculously over-powered saws, and ridonculously long bars for their ability level/cutting needs, this stuff is seriously fun to talk about. I genuinely appreciate the big boys playing in the same sandbox and sharing advice.It is hard for me to be serious with threads of this nature, on this site. I lack patience and tolerance and often consider instruction with this type of format nearly worthless in regards to timber falling/bucking. The vast scope of techniques, the regional differences, make it nearly impossible for the raw beginner and most of the intermediate members, to get a firm grip on advanced, hazardous practices.
take two sniped block-cuts and call me in the morning.
The one with the screwed up white fir drop forgot to sound it with an axe.
lol.Uh oh. Spawn, you be sure to tell him that when he gets here, okay? I'll get the first aid kit ready.
Uh oh. Spawn, you be sure to tell him that when he gets here, okay? I'll get the first aid kit ready.
There are large palms with soft centers that sag
these will pinch a bar even with a wedge.
the tong and groove lets you cut out most of the center and the sides act like having wedges all the way aground.
the hinge that was hard to see in that video was almost not a hinge.
In these pics I cocked it up and missed low with the first bore plunge, corrected
the hinge on this was very anorexic only 1/2 inch
The one with the screwed up white fir drop forgot to sound it with an axe.
He won't need first aid. I'm compassionate and mellow as a bear. That kid inferred he'd cut the fir with a pocket in the butt without planning for it. Things happen in life whether you plan it or not but cutting trees shouldn't be one of them.
Palm tree wood looks a lot like cardboard. Wonder how it burns? Guess it's a good thing people that live in palm tree areas don't have to worry about bad winters.
Palms are not trees they are monocots, trees are dicots, this makes palms more closely related to grasses so it is not wood.
You can ring-bark a palm and it will keep growing they don't have a layer of sap wood.
Palms hold a lot of water in them and the gunk that gets in and around the behind the bar and clutch is alkaline and will eat away at the case of the saw if they are not cleaned properly.
The stump on some species is more like a tight bundle of roots there are hard and full of dirt/sand.
sorry for the derailing this thread the video got my attention
He won't need first aid. I'm compassionate and mellow as a bear. That kid inferred he'd cut the fir with a pocket in the butt without planning for it. Things happen in life whether you plan it or not but cutting trees shouldn't be one of them.
just up the hill and North of Sattely, about 5800 feet elevation. Typical OG White Fir, I knew it was rotten, the vertical splits were not in the plan. It started over early, just kinda collapsed in mid air, made a ripping, crunching noise, with some squeaking. The old cedars there were all hard shells, we took every one, I just love multi-specie select cuts.
Spawn, I hope you are just having a little fun, if not: 1. The first aid was offered in jest for your benefit. 2. He inferred nothing of the sort. He knew it was rotten. The vertical splits were not expected. See post 70 quoted below. 3. He ain't no kid. 4. If you think you have a plan that covers everything a tree can do then despite your listed age you haven't cut much and/or learned much. Once again, I hope you were just having a little fun. If so, carry on. If not, pay attention.
1. Yep I'm just havin' fun.
2. Despite your listed profession you split infinitives, fragmented sentences, used a double negative, based your case on assumption and have a pedantic tone.
3.If you were in an agricultural/machine-oriented trade instead where your safety and livelihood was staked upon prudent judgement, and required enough sense, experience and ability to execute proper technique every time, Ron, then you would also know that first aid is no laughing matter.
4. Use the ordered list feature provided in the rich text editor and you'll publish a more concise read.
5. You stood up for your buddy and that's commendable even if he's a little squirrely.
Spawn, it appears we have more in common than meets the eye. Ron