Stihl Wrenching
SawTroll said:First of all, your Stihl dealer either is a liar, or he is misinformed.
All the 3xx series Huskys sold at the box store is of at least the same quality as the MS250, most of them are probably better.
Imo the Husky 350 is a much nicer saw than the MS250, and also has a bit more power, but still at best marginal for what you are planning to do.
To be more spesific, I would need to know more about the wood you are going to cut.
My gut feeling tells me minimum Husky 359 or Dolmar PS-5100.
I need to rant.
Not sure what box stores you have in Norway, but those here don't service, know anything about the product and typically only carry the low-end saws. As the "real" dealers don't carry these lines, good luck on getting service. The box stores are the best thing that ever happened to Stihl. So many people are disgusted with how the Home Depots and Lowes treat them after the saw doesnt start the next year (o.k., like all brands the not-so-smart homeowners stored it with bad gas for a year), they turn up on servicing dealers doorsteps vowing never to go back again. It took a few years for the consumers to smarten up, but dumpsters are filling with the pos saws, weed eaters and blowers of the box stores. Sure they were cheap, but... you had better be able to service and look after your own.
As for the 025 or MS250 - it's a well tested (over 10 years) and very popular saw. Even after all the pro saws I use, I constantly surprised how well the 025 runs and cuts.
More rant : I see so many posts talking about the minor weight and power differences of saws (how much does it really weight in the cut? and if you want to loose a few pounds, drop the bar length..), but to me the most important issue is where to get it serviced and where to get parts. I think the Dolmar (and Makita) saws are very nice and well built, but out here in the west, good luck on getting them serviced. I get a handful each month asking for service, and all I can do is tell them to call around and see if anyone will do it for them. No one wants to send their saw off to a Makita service center...