Maybe in other areas, around here tree jobs are bid buy the job, not by the hour. So the longer the tree service stays on the job, the less they make(per hour). So what you're saying doesn't make any sense.
Loggers don't (usually) log around houses because yard trees are known to have metal in them and are worthless. If there's no targets, then even a tree service is going to fall the tree whole. I don't know any tree service that would rope down a tree that they could just tip over. Again, less time, less risk.
That logger doesn't know much about tree service, which is fine, he's a logger. They're totally different games inside of the realm of tree work though. A logger bore cuts to keep from pulling wood out of the log in the hinge wood or cracking the log. A tree service doesn't care two cents about pulling wood because it doesn't matter to their bottom line at all. They get paid the same whether that log pulls wood. Just like the logger pays attention to the lay of the land where he's falling so he doesn't land the log on a rock or over a crest that could break the log. Again, tree service doesn't care one bit about that.
I dont see any tree services drop trees around here. They always bring the bucket truck in. They charge more to bring the truck in and take longer to get the tree down. I had this exact situation happen with a tree service who came to my house 2 different times. 3 ash trees 1 roped down 2 dropped was 500. 3 ash trees roped down was 800. Well the 500 dollar one, the owners kid didn't want to drop them so he ropped them down. And it took the same amount of time as the 800 dollar job. Seems they like to rope them down... even if the owner doesn't think they need to. He should have told me 800 for both jobs. They longer they are going to be there the more the price is. Yes its priced per job but not based on the quickest cheapest way to do it.