NICE! I'm thinking about investing in a small tractor with a 3-point hitch crane, would be very useful.Typhke, Thanks. You really will be jealous when you see the other Kubota, log loader and trailer I have now in addition to the 6800 and the loader/trailer combo.
Don't be jealous. The work that goes with getting those things will make you stronger but much more tired at the end of the day. Oh yeah, and a lot poorer too.:bang:
The trailer could hold, stacked that is, a little over 4 cords. There were plans to get a second bigger tractor because the Ford 5000 only has 75hp, but my parents got divorced before that so now I'm without any big tools (for now:msp_biggrinTyphke, that's a nice looking dumper there. You should be able to hold, haul and dump two cords in that thing when it's rounded off.
I do firewood in the spring when it's too wet and in the summer when it's too hot to do much else and cut spruce for logs when the weather lets me most other times and go all year long.
When you've done the work with hand tools then go to hydraulic you really appreciate the changeover. It lets you do the work of two or three men with way less wear and tear on yourself.
The trailer could hold, stacked that is, a little over 4 cords. There were plans to get a second bigger tractor because the Ford 5000 only has 75hp, but my parents got divorced before that so now I'm without any big tools (for now:msp_biggrin.
That's nice! Sounds like fun! Do you like the Kubota's? I don't see the bigger ones a lot in Belgium.