archertwo's processor

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dancan, nobody can expect to see all
Which part of N.S. are you from?
dave_dj1, the belting for the conveyor is just odds and ends that I spliced together by drilling both ends, placing them between a piece of angle iron and flat bar and bolting them together.DSC00452.JPG
If you look carefully in the pic you will see the angle iron and the flat bar with the belting between them.
Nope, I'm not a Caper. They do have electricity now that the coal ran out in the mines. Oil fired though like the rest of us. The puters may be running on dial-up though.
I'm just an a'cajun from the French Shore. I fly the same flag you do.:clap:
People around here call it the Acadian Shore, others call it the French Shore, probably for that very reason.:ices_rofl:
Probably has to do with saltwater and rotting seaweed.:rolleyes:
moi h'ed von de Comeauville mais eh reste a Saulnierville asteur.

For those who can't read this it's an a'cajun thing. o_O
St.Bernard but 30+ years in the big city now , don't get home very often but still lots of family up there , even famous inlaws LOL .
Thot everyone up there bought a heat pump because there was no firewood left or anybody to cut it .
There's still lots of hardwood to cut and there are still quite a few of us cutting them up for firewood.
Still, there are many people going the heat pump route too.
Glad to see that you can make a go of it :)
If I get a chance to get up there over the summer I'll send you a pm , polly went to the high school around the same era , were you around when Bullmousse was principle and the VW on top of the pumphouse ?
No. I was there when there was still a handball court next to the tennis court and William Deveau was Principal. I got out in 72'.
Sure sent a PM when you can make it back to the "sticks".
It's part of the process , social club you know ...... LOL
At the other end of the processor spectrum , Chris(Glen) , another member from NS has a store bought processor , does cords per hour , he's put up a couple of pics in the past and was talking about having a kindling processor built .
I think the payments and repair bills on Archertwo's are a lot easier to swallow :)
A friend dropped by a few weeks ago with his video cam. You can now see all the workings of the processor. The video's a bit long but you can skip here and there to see what you want.
You will notice that not much pressure is needed in lifting the saw to cut the rounds.

Your friends camera work is excellent and smooth! Thanks for the video.

Did you find the conveyor frame/guide somewhere or fabbed it up?
firebrick43, I had a local machine shop cut and bend the conveyor sections out of sheet steel. conveyor.jpg The top and bottom parts are cut from the same 4'X8' sheet then I welded them together and re-enforced them with angle iron on the ends and made brackets for between the sections and to attach to the splitter. The bottom section of the conveyor itself is eight feet long and the top section is four feet long. As seen in the first few posts of this thread the bottom and top sections fold together atop of the splitter section for travel. DSC00439.JPG
Sine the last time I posted on this thread I made a few changes to the setup. The log deck is now live feed so almost no more rolling of logs by hand to get them to the feed belt on the processor. It saves quite a bit of time and is well worth the work it took to fabricate.

I also installed a bigger hydraulic pump so things get done a bit faster.
I extended the firewood conveyor by two feet to accommodate the bigger dump trailer I got.
Sine the last time I posted on this thread I made a few changes to the setup. The log deck is now live feed so almost no more rolling of logs by hand to get them to the feed belt on the processor. It saves quite a bit of time and is well worth the work it took to fabricate.
I also installed a bigger hydraulic pump so things get done a bit faster.
I extended the firewood conveyor by two feet to accommodate the bigger dump trailer I got.

double slick! mechawood!