asking again-NE Fly splice standards

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DSL only cost me $13 per month. Since I need access and I like EL I took that cost added the cost of the second phone number. Then I dropped the second line and added DSL. The differenc, with one phone line is only $13 more. I look at internet service as a utility like heat and electricity. I would sooner sell off gear, now that's a blasphemous thought, shame on me:), than do without the internet.

Warer cable ticks me off with the line service, but I have been very happy with RoadRunner. That they do not give phone service to Netscape users sort PO'd me but That has not been needed for quite sone time.

Since I see this as a hobby, I find that the 45/month is well worth the cost.
Howard from NER sent me the latest .V of the fly splice standards. The only mod is the whipping and clear shrinkwrap.

I asked him to let me know when it will be on the server so I can post it, he'll let me know.

The file is around 5.5mb, so I will send it to only those who real want it.

Too big for me to post on my server, so if smoeone want's to do that, let me know.
Sir John,
How'd your splice turn out? Is this Fly a Beech to splice or what? Even though the instructions do not address it, I found it helpful to pull an extra 12" of core through the eye so I'd have some bunching of the cover for the final bury.

As to the side topic of ISP providers, my current cost is $32 per month including taxes for my ISP and second phone line. Since I do not have cable TV I'm looking at upgrading to DSL which is running $50 per month plus taxes. Probably closer to $65 if the DSL bill looks anything like my phone bill. :( Net difference of $30 per month as compared to Tom's $13.
I have gigabytes of web space available. If you need something stored, just let me know.

With SBC Yahoo! DSL, I was given 750 MB of webspace. It's $35.99/month, and our cable modem is $39.99. Both require having service already (i.e. cable TV and phone service). Here at school, I pay $120/year. Hehehe.

If you want to have the splice standard on your page til NER gets it up officialy, let me know and I'll send it to you.

I'ts around 6meg, I got 5 with ISP account.
I'm going to send you what I have, which is in 3 emails and much smaller (365 Kb). Can you let me know if it is the same as what you have?
MSN + Hotmail = the plague

Can I strongly suggest to everyone and anyone NOT TO USE HOTMAIL, MSN, YAHOO, or AOL for your email? These four accumulate at least 75 percent of all the spam in the world.

After at least 8addresses in the last few years, I strongly strongly encourage you to check out

Its supergroovy.
The result of Brians eye splice failing ...

No e-mails from anyone, yet. Send it to my AOL account: [email protected] or to the E-mail link below. AOL is worth having because I can send and receive any sized attachments I want. Great for MP3's.

I sent it to both of your accounts, all 7063K. It took me several min. to upload the email.

Sent it to the other Nick too.

If this does not work, then maybe if your in the area and have USB storage you can pick it up. But that sounds like too much work.
Hooray Nick! Thanks for making that available. I'll bookmark the page for future reference.

On another forum they were discussing how quickly the Fly rope shows wear on the outer sheath. The big difference is that the Fly is a core dependant rope and the outer sheath is basically to protect the strong inner core strands. Most other arbo ropes are the opposite- the strength is in the outer core and the inner core is there to keep the rope round. Hearing this from several people makes me more comfortable climbing on my Fly rope even though it is showing wear fairly quickly on the outer sheath.

Cute gator, Kevin. :D