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Well I definetly have to make it to NY area. May even bring the saw. Hard to determine what is more important at times, women wine (or beer) or saws. By the way that is my list in the proper order.
Marky Mark said:
Maybe we can have a little kitty put together and who ever guesses when John smashes the 7900 wins the pool. I say by next week the way things are going. :rolleyes:
Barkums Barky, as you and Jokers can see in the picture, the rebuilt 362 is inching closer and closer to the wheels of the skidder and why wouldn't it?

Terry, I noticed you are remaining politicaly correct in your posts. Isn't it time you started stiring up some trouble?
Believe me there are times I have to delete and the type something else completely. I want to promote Dolmar here. I am trying to keep it positive along those lines. You see I have been with Dolmar now for 20 years and am really tired of being the best unknown in the buisness. So instead of pi&&ing people off I am trying my best to see their side and work to solve the fields issues big or small.
Hi Terry, I know what you're saying, however, I'll shoot you a pm with a list of those who it's ok to p$ss off. lol
Anyway, used my ehp Dolmar for a bit of light falling with a 16" bar. The tobaggan style kerf is a result of using a 58 thou. bar and a 50 thou. chain with a few sand granules thrown in.
Terry the 6400-7300-7900 line of saws are pretty good and I hope the new 50cc saw is built along those lines, everysaw has good points and bad points,
now from what the Husky and Stihl guys are saying the worst point about the 7900 is it is just to d@mn fast out of the box, they want you guys to slow it down some for them ok
and I would like a Dolmar with a 139.9cc for the 140 class,well everyone else put in there xmas wish list .
Gypo , I thought you were after BG, but I see you are after BB, leave BG alone she wants me
Well just a little tidbit the new 50cc saw will run at 14,500 rpm and they are built very much along the same line as the 64-73 and 79 saws. Good to hear that the competition found a complaint about that family of saws. I really think everyone well most everyone will like the new saw family. I think that it is impossible to please everyone. But we try.
Dont know the load rpm's yet but should very soon. One other thing a FW handle is coming very soon for the 64-79 family. I have been asking the factory and finally got it through for the need of a FW.
It is already done in a way. All the parts to covert the 64-79 cc family to a heated handle are available. On page 16 of the following link are the parts necessary to convert the unit over. The link is from the Dolmar website
That`s great news D T M but I`m afraid that it would be cost prohibitive to retrofit a saw vs buying it as a complete unit, unless of course you where we could get the parts cheap?
