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There we go. Thanks for you help. I should just stick to climbing trees.
Hey lumberjack, you'll have to talk to Dan Murphy about some better pictures he has the biggest archive of me. I will see what I have. Most of mine got lost with secret service no lie.
Re: attention tree junkie

Will someone give tree junkie a nudge and have him meditate for a while on that pic of Big Jon...

Hey Murphy4Trees,

You really have no right requesting that someone meditate. I believe you were the one who said we should " ask the tree what's wrong with it". Believe me, if any of my clients saw me do this I would be out of work.:alien:
Originally posted by murphy4trees
Butch you aren't foolin me here....
You can't, and I repeat can not, as in it is physically impossible to climb like a Chisholm or Big Jon with a tautline hitch... and an 020 would just slow them down... way down... getting caught in all those tight crotches..

You may think that you are good as I once did... And I have no doubt that you are good...but these guys are climbing at a whole different level..
How long does it take you from the time your feet leave the ground to reach 40' in a tree... Chisholm can do it in 13 seconds... Thats about 4 times as fast as I could walk up a 40' ladder...

Hey Daniel, I completely missed your post. The FIRST thing I will have to say is that SPEED has nothing to do with how I do my thing. But, that doesn't mean I move like a sloth through a tree.

You will NEVER see me competing in any type of a Chisholm/BigJohn scenerio. Maybe 20 years ago it would have appealed to me. Competitive climbing ain't for me at this time and juncture... :D

Daniel, I don't think I'm as good as I was... I'm better! I hated treework when I first started, now I LOVE IT.

Just show me the tree... :)
Here's one of Big Jon's 2 biner set up... The spliced bridge would go through the biner where his left thumb is... I somehow lost the ability to resize...
I have a good bit of video of Jon working... though I haven't got it organized or put into stills... That's in the works now..
Re: Re: attention tree junkie

Originally posted by TheSurgeon
. I believe you were the one who said we should " ask the tree what's wrong with it". Believe me, if any of my clients saw me do this I would be out of work.:alien:
YO Surgeon, All my clients hear me say we should listen to the tree and then we'll know what it needs. Am I out of work? No, they pay me extra for respecting and trying to understand the trees they value.:angel:

My sister's a (human) surgeon. She says that while she's cutting she looks at the body and listens to what it says.
So don't knock it until you've tried it, bruddamon. :)

the helmets we use are thte same ones we use on teh ground, no chinstrap, so to help keep them on the ear defenders get snapped down to lock it onto ya noggin. down point is that you cant hear the tree around you, i feel that it puts me out of touch with what im doing

Jamie I hear what your saying. That is one of my biggest reasons for likeing to wear a hard hard and hearing protection in a tree. I really feel that it restricts my senses. I know I can still hear and see but just don't get the same energy. Kinda like when I played football. With pads and helmet on you lose something. I feel less aware of my surroundings.

Get Mattheck's "Body Language of Trees".

The way the tree grows will often tell us what is wrong inside.


As to quote Dave Spencer up der in Ca-NA-dah hey, "A helmet without a chin strap is half a helmet."

If you take a bit of a swing the first hit will knock the helmet off, the second one will show you stars.
It's a figure of speach, and I'm sure most people will get that. Just as I understand what Mattheck means when he says trees talk to us with their body language.
Big John ,

i can't find the installation software for my favorite pic editor, so can't try to adjsut light; but here is a lil more cropped in; if ya like.
Thanks Ken, I think I need to come up with a better picture. I have loads of them on discs. I just need to take the time to track the ex girlfriend down. She's out of jail now, I don't know if it is worth seeing her. Maybee I'm just not ready.
Hey Kenny, those animated speedline gif thingies you posted earlier were way cool! I gotta learn how to do that!
Post another one any excuse you get!

Thanx, the clean pencil animation of the strategic sequential SpeedLining wasn't mine, and i regretfully didn't note who's it really is. Takes a few slides, and each slide ya gotta draw 6 different times it seems!:dizzy:

The 3d animation is from slides made in Pixologic's Own ZBrush Free 30 day download that you can renew the pasword for free every 30 daze. Very Creative program IMLHO, real eye candy as ya play.

Then there is the Lady Che one of the robust Day Lilly's she grows/tends/sells

That can be bought at Che's Site . Ahh heck Easter's coming up!

Of Course there was that cons-piracy that yielded the Dreaded Maaslovian Warning! This is rated R fer gratutious violence to the pencil drawn body, prolly best downloaded, not to sure if it would be dial'em up friendly at that, so kiddies beware!:angry:
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