Stihl Wrenching
40? I don't remember 40....
40? I don't remember 40....
I did go out at 55 and buy a pair of $2 readers from Safeway. Can't find them now though.
I did go out at 55 and buy a pair of $2 readers from Safeway. Can't find them now though.
Im not sure about the smell of Doug fir, smell of Red Cedar gives it a run for the money. Maybe its the smell of 3-500 dollars a chord for shingle and shake bolts I used to get adds a little bias to the smell. Seems like all the little shingle mills have burned down or gone the way of the Dodo bird. Have 3 big Cedars with clear lower 12'-16' ft clear logs 31,36 and 41" diameter. Luv the smell of Doug fir too. Nice to see ya back cuttin.It was good to be back out there... I'm pretty sore today. Been awhile since i packed a saw around all day long... but nothin' beats the smell of fresh cut Doug Fir and 2 stroke...
Good for you man! Glad your back is doing better. Thanks for the full report minus one rather important detail. What oil/ratio didja use?
hey Gary, how come you didn't take that 70E with the 28 and get some real exercise???
You can borrow mine. If I can find them.
I know the feeling it is great to work most days and especially
after a long off period glad to hear your getting to enjoy it again
Funny thing is; it will drive a working man nuts to be off for over a month
but after six months we want off and think we would enjoy retirement.
Only after a serious injury where we can't work will one realize just how
much we really enjoy being in the bush! I was off three months after
an auto accident and was going crazy after two weeks. On the third week
I began to do what I could and managed to put a motor in my dads truck.
Split wood enough to keep me warm and cut with a small saw. All this
with two broken colorbones and a smashed left scapula, small hailine
cracked vertebrae, two broke ribs with a punctured lung! It was one
painful time in my life that even after fifteen years I still feel. I pushed
myself though and was climbing after three months slowly and now
just pain on some bad days!
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