Back in the Saddle...

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I can feel your exuberance!

It's taking every amount of willpower I have not to turn the above into something dirty.

Good to hear you're back out there Gary!

(And don't worry about turning 40...when I turned forty a few years ago, I told everyone "40 is the new 17!") (Actually, I was talking to a few college girls at the time, but no joy...)

Glad to see your back in the saddle so to speak. Like everyone said take it easy for a while. Three days between the two outings should be just about right to let those sore muscles get to feeling better. Let us know how Monday goes. MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE USED 47.5 to 1 ULTRA. WHATCHA THINK? LOL:monkey: :monkey: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer:
It felt great to have the pockets of my Carhartt's full of wood chips again. :)

according to Jerry Beranek, woodchips in your pockets is a sign of prosperity! but i'm sure you know that.

Glad to hear you had fun.
I'll bet it was a great feeling to pull the trigger and feel the saw come under load! Take care of yourself and enjoy it!!:cheers:
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40? ahhh, just wait, the eyes go first, after that it's like jumping out of a plane with no chute.......................:greenchainsaw:

I know the feeling it is great to work most days and especially
after a long off period glad to hear your getting to enjoy it again:clap:

Funny thing is; it will drive a working man nuts to be off for over a month
but after six months we want off and think we would enjoy retirement.
Only after a serious injury where we can't work will one realize just how
much we really enjoy being in the bush! I was off three months after
an auto accident and was going crazy after two weeks. On the third week
I began to do what I could and managed to put a motor in my dads truck.
Split wood enough to keep me warm and cut with a small saw. All this
with two broken colorbones and a smashed left scapula, small hailine
cracked vertebrae, two broke ribs with a punctured lung! It was one
painful time in my life that even after fifteen years I still feel. I pushed
myself though and was climbing after three months slowly and now
just pain on some bad days!
I know the feeling it is great to work most days and especially
after a long off period glad to hear your getting to enjoy it again:clap:

Funny thing is; it will drive a working man nuts to be off for over a month
but after six months we want off and think we would enjoy retirement.
Only after a serious injury where we can't work will one realize just how
much we really enjoy being in the bush! I was off three months after
an auto accident and was going crazy after two weeks. On the third week
I began to do what I could and managed to put a motor in my dads truck.
Split wood enough to keep me warm and cut with a small saw. All this
with two broken colorbones and a smashed left scapula, small hailine
cracked vertebrae, two broke ribs with a punctured lung! It was one
painful time in my life that even after fifteen years I still feel. I pushed
myself though and was climbing after three months slowly and now
just pain on some bad days!

Dead nuts on. I tore an ACL in the late 90's. 5 & 1/2 months indoors almost killed me. I got offered the same inside cake job i did temp as a permanent position. Turned them down emphatically.
Gary, glad to hear your getting up to full throttle!
