Hired Gun
ArboristSite Operative
KD460, PM Dave Neiger. He is in Michigan and should be able to help you out. That man can do some crazy stuff with a 5100!!

KTOOM, Where in NY are you? I know for a fact that there are Dolmar dealers in NY. The Cutting Edge, an A/S sponsor is one, and there are others. Did you try the Dolmar dealer locator?
Hey Bigbore
How does that 5100s stack up to the 028Super?
My 028S is my favorite firewood saw and I'm looking at getting a 5100s.
Paul, You are one of the few. Scott and Steve are the others. you guys seem to be the only guys that carry full line parts and seem to be able to get parts in a timely fashion. I would love to have one of you guys as my local dealer
FWIW, I have a Great local dealer. He has been selling them for a couple years now, and he has a problem getting parts. But, when he has to order parts, he orders extras.
My decal did not keep my saw from running, but when I ordered a 7900 piston/cylinder for my makita, it did keep my saw from running. It took 8 weeks to get to him...
my 5100 muffler took 9 weeks. The 7900 muffler took just shy of two months also.
As much as I don't like Ben Walker trashing the dolmar name, he is right with their parts situation. The Distribiution centers only seem to carry air filters and spark plugs...Seems they ought to carry more hard parts. If I smashed my saw and needed new plastic and a handle bar......
I honestly can't imagine relying on my pair of dolmars if they were the only ones I had . Saws that get used need parts every now and then. I love them, and praise them for what they are, but if they break, I would be out of commission for quite a while.
Like I said, I would love to have one of these stocking dealers locally, but it took going to 7-8 dealers before I found one that carried the 5100 and 7900....
I can see where their should be a price floor to make it fair for smaller dealers, but no mail order/internet sales is wrong. If big dealers cant under price the little guy and the buyer is willing to accept the possibile disadvantage/s of mail order whats the problem? The U.S. is for the most part a rural place and these are chainsaws. Lots of people that use them live in the woods away from populated areas.
Off topic but remember when Sears Robuck stopped their catalog sales. A lot of loyal customers never dealt with them again.
The 028Super is like a wife....
Dolmar is very foolish IMO to stop Baileys form selling over the net. There part and dealer network is a total joke and at least Baileys would be a decent outfit to deal with.
Well said. Bailey's has always been a class act and if their product support for Dolmar is in keeping with the way they've always done things it can't be anything but good. Bailey's could help establish Dolmar on the west coast. I run Stihl saws because I can get them worked on or get parts for them easily. I don't run Dolmar because I can't count on parts or repairs in a timely fashion. Down-time is expensive.
Well, so much for Free enterprise!!
I don't want to take away from the Dolmar dealers who stock parts, and saws, but a lot of the dealers just don't care and Dolmar seems to be saying "Oh thats ok, we'll protect you from any competition."
Hey, come to think of it this may not be such a bad deal. Maybe I can find a way to stop people from looking on the net to find other people in my area who cut trees, that would leave me with no competition other than the local guys. Sounds pretty sweet to me.
At least for now, My Stihl Dealer doesn't let me down....