Just cut the piano!!
7-18-06 I WAS (still am) stocking them trying to BUILD interest to justify a BIGGER inventory.
Not stocking them because sales figures don't support having an inventory does't sound like Bailey's is looking for any long term relationships with Dolmar or Dolmar owners, I wonder if their parts inventory is driven by customer need or inventory "turns". They are not likely to stock obscure parts based on their attitiude towards inventory which has alredy been spelled out in previous posts (if you all insist, I'll find proof).
Good products sell themselves and Dolmars main problem is lack of exposure. 9 out 10 logging crews in my county dont even know the 7900 exists. What good are brick and mortar dealers if the market doesnt know the product they are selling even exists? Therefor any sale is a good sale. They can get picky once their name is out there. However, they first need to get their parts system in order.So how would selling thru online sells increase the number of stocking dealers?
Big money in still signage, displays, required advertising and equipment. 10K plus is an easy number.
And that's piss in the wind for a business investment. Maybe undercapitalized dealerships is why so few carry parts or seem unable to get parts efficiently.
And that's piss in the wind for a business investment. Maybe undercapitalized dealerships is why so few carry parts or seem unable to get parts efficiently.
sorry to here you lost your country store thall,but your now into a business thats alot more lucrative.
Pretty simple actually. Its called volume sales.could you please explain to us all why businesses such as box stores and web sites are primarily interested in equipment sales, and not parts and service?
Nice attitude......BTW the piston and cylinder would be ther ein a couple of days either as its likely one or both components would be on back order.3. "Crappy Dealers" After 14 years, I still stock very few parts for these saws. Less than $1000.00 in parts actually. I stock all the popular tune-up parts and parts that get lost or damaged really quick. Do I stock a 7900 piston/cyl combo so you can juice up your blue 6400 makita? No. I'll have it in a few days if you'd like to pay for it in advance. But I'm a professional logger!....then you should have a back-up saw.
Hey ole Sugar, whats your thoughts on all this gossip? I really have no interest in it other than for guys like you, Spike, Sedanman, Cuttinscott and others on here. I got nothing againist Baileys either for that matter. I just want ole Sugar to keep taking care of ole Hall ya here...
this is an interesting topic. both sides have a point. the saws need to get out there. but don't think box stores is the right way. its going to take time, but i also think it didn't go smoothly with stihl years ago either. or that they only put there saws in businesses that was well established in whatever. theres one small stihl dealer near me that operates out of old gas station and does a little repair work on anything that moves (between bar time) stocks very little of anything including saws, and been operating that way for many years. But has also sold a lot of saws over the years. big isn't always better. as for dolmar parts being slow to get, i havn't seen that except for a couple of parts for older saws. if i can't get a saw out when a customer needs it i'll offer a loaner.-
Well all I know is with me you got a customer for life. Long as there is mators and pumpkins Baileys can never sell me a Dolmar part of any kind. Nothing againsit them but I like being considered a person, not a digit on a computer list..
Pretty simple actually. Its called volume sales.
Nice attitude......BTW the piston and cylinder would be ther ein a couple of days either as its likely one or both components would be on back order.