Bailey's 2007 = DOLMAR!!!!

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I am gonna ask this question only because I dont know the answer. Does a large company like Husqvarna or say Dolmar sell their products to places like Baileys cheaper than they sell them to local dealers allowing Say Baileys or other internet dealers to turn around and pass the savings on to us the consumer. Im just curious as to why pricing is almost always a little higher locally. Maybe online dealers buy in bulk for a discounted rate?
I am gonna ask this question only because I dont know the answer. Does a large company like Husqvarna or say Dolmar sell their products to places like Baileys cheaper than they sell them to local dealers allowing Say Baileys or other internet dealers to turn around and pass the savings on to us the consumer. Im just curious as to why pricing is almost always a little higher locally. Maybe online dealers buy in bulk for a discounted rate?

Most of the time yes... Buying more is power. The guy that sells 2-3 a year is going to pay alot more for the saw than the guys buying 20K a year...

Dolmar is trying real hard to fix the price based on MSRP, and if they don't watch it, someone is going to nail them for price fixing, which it illegal... But, I also see alot of Stihl MSRP prices floating around the internet...

My stihl dealer is quite bit below MSRP....
In a thread a few months ago I posted that one of the things Dolmar and all of us have to have is a bit of patience in developing a decent dealer network. I said that often times the pressure to grow a dealer base results in a "get some pins in the map" mentality, and guys are signed up who are just losers. Few saws, fewer parts, and ultimately fewer customers. In Dolmars' case, there are no doubt some pins that should be pulled OUT of the map.

But the transition from where they are to where they want to be isn't something that happens overnight. But when you run into a guy who stocks one saw, or who doesn't even know he's a dealer, (still laughing at that one), it's unfair to say "That's Dolmar and their dealers".

That being said, the new distribution is still a work in progress. Parts availability from them is not as good as it is from Husky. And if they don't have it in stock, the wait is often too long, as some of you have mentioned. Baileys would be in the same boat as the rest of us. But I have seen improvement over the last year, and it's continuing to get better.

Whenever a distributor or dealer takes on a new line, they have to develope a parts inventory in conjunction with a parts history. You can't just order 50 of everything and then see what sells. You have to stay on it and respond to customers needs, but it does take some time.

My view is that if Dolmar has a product that causes some of you guys to drive long distances and check out a half dozen or more dealers, then more and more of the better shops will want to carry it, and you can be sure that Dolmar will want to sign them up and replace those clowns that are out there. Give it time.
Spike, as a consumer why should I have to deal with chitty support when Stihl and Husky both have excellent support? Now we find out that Dolmar is shafting Bailey's who in my expierence supports what they sell better than most brick and mortar bozo's..... The problem with Dolmar is the companys managment need a swift kick in the arse. There is no excuse to have long waiting periods for parts, especially since this problem has been going on for at least 4 years and probably longer and there is no excuse to limit exposure by curtailing net sales(which are the future IMO).
To be honest I would really like to buy a heated handle 7900 given that its the best thing going performance wise in the 70-85cc class, but in the back of my mind the parts/dealer issue and the almost zero lack of progress in this regards turns me off.
Well, so much for Free enterprise!!
I don't want to take away from the Dolmar dealers who stock parts, and saws, but a lot of the dealers just don't care and Dolmar seems to be saying "Oh thats ok, we'll protect you from any competition."

Hey, come to think of it this may not be such a bad deal. Maybe I can find a way to stop people from looking on the net to find other people in my area who cut trees, that would leave me with no competition other than the local guys. Sounds pretty sweet to me.


The difference is that no-one from 1,000 miles away will bid on and follow through with tree jobs in your back yard. Any manufacturer needs to compete with its rivals, not to have its dealers compete against themselves, like it or not this makes more business sence than you want to admit.
Spike, as a consumer why should I have to deal with chitty support when Stihl and Husky both have excellent support? Now we find out that Dolmar is shafting Bailey's who in my expierence supports what they sell better than most brick and mortar bozo's..... The problem with Dolmar is the companys managment need a swift kick in the arse. There is no excuse to have long waiting periods for parts, especially since this problem has been going on for at least 4 years and probably longer and there is no excuse to limit exposure by curtailing net sales(which are the future IMO).
To be honest I would really like to buy a heated handle 7900 given that its the best thing going performance wise in the 70-85cc class, but in the back of my mind the parts/dealer issue and the almost zero lack of progress in this regards turns me off.

Ben, Ben, Ben;

I agree that you should not have to deal with chitty support. I agree that Stihl and Husky are better. (I believe I said as much in my post) Dolmar has an aknowledged problem that needs work and is being worked on.

Using a phrase such as "most brick and mortar bozos" in addition to being insulting to dealers, perhaps reveals a personality that is indeed better suited to conducting business on your computer, rather than struggling to interact face to face with other human beings.

Net sales are part of todays world, but they are not and cannot be "the future". A computer doesn't have parts in stock. A computer cannot tune or repair a saw. ( I know that you and many AS members can do your own work, but for the most part, Joe Public cannot) A computer cannot stay open late and help people in a storm emergency. I'm afraid the net will have to continue to share the stage with us old brick and mortar bozos.
The term was used to describe crap dealers of which there is no shortage. Baileys is not a crap dealer and to shaft them and at the same time protect some slug that cant survive in the business climate of the 21 century is assinine.
E commerce is the future. Being a Luddite will get you no where.
BTW I havent seen any progress in regards to parts or a dealer network in the last four years. In fact when the distribution system changed they shafted my local dealer which is as a good as they come.
Well garsh won't cha think that maybe really good dealer prospects are watching Dolmars actions when somebody like Baileys wants to go world wide. Ya know a person would really be a bozo to take on a line and heap up a pile of parts only to have the manufacturer turn around and undersell them on the web or home depot. OH BOY I sold an oil cap going on a bender tonite. I speak from the knowledge of having a Poulan Pro 260 with a really, really thick layer of dust on the case.
wow, funny you don't see any griping about only being able to buy stihl at a brick and morter shop. why should dolmar have to do any less? price fixing stang? what about stihl? $550 for a small 65cc saw is outrageous, yet it would seem you have no problem with that. whats good for the goose, is good for the gander, guys

I guess my gripe is not liking being told where and how to buy something.

I don't know the first thing about manufacturing and distributing but the parts issue doesn't make since to me. There is no shortage of saws, so just don't put some of them together.
I guess my gripe is not liking being told where and how to buy something.

I don't know the first thing about manufacturing and distributing but the parts issue doesn't make since to me. There is no shortage of saws, so just don't put some of them together.

what about stihl? they tell you that you can only buy at a dealer. it's their product, they can sell wherever they wish.
imo, its an excellent move on dolmars part. it creates a dealer network, verses a few online sites. I just dont see why its good for stihl, but bad for everyone else. if not selling online is a problem, fine, but include stihl in that too.
Stihl can do that because they have dealers everywhere with most towns having at least one and some many more. Dolmar has very few dealers and even less exposure to the pro market. With these things in mind it makes no sense to Stop Baileys from selling Dolmars.
Besides how much can a dealer profit from the sale of a saw? Most of a dealers profit is in service, parts and accessories. If I were a dealer I would blow saws out the door for a a slight profit and make my money of parts and service.
Stihl can do that because they have dealers everywhere with most towns having at least one and some many more. Dolmar has very few dealers and even less exposure to the pro market. With these things in mind it makes no sense to Stop Baileys from selling Dolmars.
Besides how much can a dealer profit from the sale of a saw? Most of a dealers profit is in service, parts and accessories. If I were a dealer I would blow saws out the door for a a slight profit and make my money of parts and service.

Ben, Wanna put your money where your mouth is? ...........................didn't think so . Until you lay your neck on the line selling power equipment, limit your advise to waht you know, oh wait you know everything I forgot.
I know that I am different than most but that is one of the reasons I dont run Stihl now. As far as Dolmar does any one know if you can mailorder saws
from a local dealer?

Dolmar does not allow "box sales" the saw has to be set up and tested for the customer and they must be shown how to operate it. Typically Dolmar customers are already familiar with chainsaw use (newbies usually buy Poulans from HD) and don't need a lot of instruction, my pro customers just want the saw gassed and oiled so they can get to work. I offer to show them anything they might not be familiar with.
Truth hurts,eh Paul. BTW I wasnt aware you laid money on the line and bought a delearship?
BTW if you cant understand how having more saws in the field as being advantageous to you as a dealer its your loss. Even if a local buys form the net he is still going to buy parts and service from from you, which is where your bread is buttered anyway.
Until Dolmar gets major exposure they will continue to go unknown to most professionals.
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My interest in the dealership (power equipment side) is substantial though not total. I have laid my money on the chopping block.
Stihl can do that because they have dealers everywhere with most towns having at least one and some many more. .

So how would selling thru online sells increase the number of stocking dealers? imo, if a dealer sees that he has to compete with every site out there selling saws with little or almost no overhead, why would a dealer want to carry that brand?

"As far as I know there isn't any issues with selling you a Dolmar. We haven't been stocking them because the sales figures don't support having inventory. If there is a particular model you're interested in let me know and I'll cut you a price and a ETA as to what kind of delivery time you'ld be looking at."

Not stocking them because sales figures don't support having an inventory does't sound like Bailey's is looking for any long term relationships with Dolmar or Dolmar owners, I wonder if their parts inventory is driven by customer need or inventory "turns". They are not likely to stock obscure parts based on their attitiude towards inventory which has alredy been spelled out in previous posts (if you all insist, I'll find proof).

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