I know I am going to get flamed for this. A lot of people I know just use used motor oil. I have Used motor in a pinch. I know it's harder on the bar and chain. Here is my thinking. If you can get a cheap bar for $10-$15 woun;t it be more cost effective to use motor oil even if it wears the bar out sooner. After 3-5 gallons (depending on name brand) you have paid for the bar. So anything after that amount is money in my pocket. I know when you run the bigger bars it's harder on them. Just wondering how much it effects a 16inch bar and if it's worth it.
Your good with math, that is a huge plus in any business!
The payoff would be if you could double component life with bar oil.
Just for a say, Take a good quality bar, a few rim sprockets and maybe what, 10 - 12 chains, or for the say, say $275 - $300 bucks. that would be my from the hip guess before your looking at completely shot parts running drain oil.
Say your wearing out the heel of the cutter, bar rails and nose-sprocket at the same time the cutter of all the chains are to thin, and replacing the drive sprocket as soon as it gets "hoppey" saving that money on oil, or about 50 gallons of oils worth is your pay off,
IOW , you would need to get like 20 or more wore out chains per bar before you come ahead with good bar oil,,,,, I'm very sure your ahead of the curve.
For me, I would just rather milk the most life out of the components, things just run smoother, and live with out the smell of drain-oil